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I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab E 8.0 SM-T377V in the color black that has some light scratches on the front of the touch...
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As many other guys have stated here it's probably in your best interest to assess the corner and see how much obstruction there is. If there isn't a whole lot of obstruction or parts in that corner or in the side of the frame at all you can go to different various online vendors to include eBay and you can buy a repair tool either plier style or the die Style then you can do the repair following the manufacturer's instructions for the tool. Removing and gutting all of the parts to replace the shell is a lengthy process and if you can simply straighten the existing frame it's probably in your best interest especially if you are not possessing Advanced skill in small device repair. I wouldn't exactly say this repair is for novices.
Devamını okuYou mentioned that you clicked something? A lot of the times if you make a change to your computer you can boot into safe mode. This key stroke can differ from machine to machine. This will start windows in a previous known good state of Windows. It may or may not include networking. At this point you should be able to restore off your disk or recovery partition to repair problematic files and such.
Devamını okuThese displays with the digitizer can be purchased on eBay as an assembly. There also online sellers as well, a search engine will direct you to places that are closer to where you are located.
Devamını okuHey there Guy, I'm curious as to what Honda's reason was for saying that the exhaust was deemed incompatible, did they tell you? Generally when a manufacturer indicates that a performance upgrade is not advisable there is a reason like safety to the operator, like in the case a street bike a burn on the leg due to the position and size adjustment of the new components. Or sometimes the say that the component performs adversely meaning (for exhaust) the reduction in back pressure can cause a engine to run extremely poor. If Honda did not give that information it might be a good idea to get it from them. If they won't give it to you, don't be afraid to take your bike to another shop for a 2nd opinion. Sometimes shops might have a agenda to push certain parts as they get perks. While we don't want to say or is it easy to prove that this is the case, 2nd opinions are never bad.
Devamını okuIf I recall correctly there are a few threads here on ifixit regarding the iPhone logic board swap. I know that Apple has a different connector on the screens for most of the generations. So the different logic boards would need that connector as well to correspond with the appropriate display. Also if you look at the ifixit parts pages it sometimes not that a display will only fit the specific model. That is because of the differences in the connectors and software that drives the phone and all the subsidiary components. I would not recommend trying to swap different model logic boards. The connectors as very small and just 1 pin in a slightly different location can cause a huge headache. Best of looking for a replacement with in the same model.
Devamını okuJust to expand on what the other techs here are saying, I have tried with a iPhone 5. Most services and online programs to unlock icloud are not successful. I personally contacted Apple support and emailed a copy of my purchase receipt from a seller on ebay and they told me that they were not able to help me unless I could have the original owners info. The did offer contacting t-mobile to see if they could provide that information. After calling them the representative had to apologize to me for buying and fixing one of their devices that is rendered a paper weight. I do not believe that you can load any custom OSs on the iPhone like you can with Android so you might have a phone that is rendered useless.
Devamını okuPS4 pro is a rather new console. Just to verify, you have ruled out the possibility of a defective power cable and outlet / surge protector? You might be able to find one on ebay or even a unit that has a defective HD or any other component rather that the power supply you are after. That being said does your console still have a valid warranty standing? If so that may be the best way to expedite repair as the cost should be little if any. If not you can try your search engine for PS4 pro console parts and see if perhaps there is a company online that might have some part you can purchase. Also if you have no warranty and must replace it yourself, you can try local for sale sites like a Craigslist or such and see if you can find a donor console to cannibalize. Lastly you could try a PS4 powers up ply though that may be drastically different due to the new 4k Def support and the introduction of VR. Sizing and input / output specs may differ enough to cause damage so that would be your least best option.
Devamını okuYou may want to confirm that model number. The last tab 4 10.1 I tore down for a LCD and digitizer replacement was a sm-t530nu. But to try to steak you in the right direction most of the Samsung Galaxy Tab series are held by plastic retainer clips molded into the back case half and the display frame. Depending on a persons preference nearly any plastic pry tool or opening tool can be worked in to the small seam between the back case and the silver ring on the display frame. Of course if your going to attempt this you must have the device powered off. I personally recommend removing Sim cards and memory cards as well. After gently prying and releasing the retainer clips you can expose the battery. I would like to point out before you do that it would be wise to try a different charger / outlet and rule out those type of things first. Also when you plug in a known good charger if the tablet does not charge try to gently wiggle the cable to see if you have a charger port issue. If you would like to post more...
Devamını okuIf I understand you right the device is telling you to update it. Generally with a android or Apple device you can plug them into a charger and then look in the settings and choose updates. This will require a Internet connection so make sure that WiFi is enabled and that you are connected. You might find some of your updates in the Google play store.
Devamını okuWell since it was dropped I'm going to assume that there is no valid warranty. With out looking it is hard to tell if the LCD frame / case is bent and now separating or if there is some other issue like loose screws allowing the screen assembly to come apart. There are parts available. You can look on Google for laptop parts suppliers or on eBay. Keep in mind that this device is considered vintage by Apple standards. I believe they go by a 5 year life span. Because of this you might not be able to find new parts. If your not willing to invest in parts and labor you can replace it with a unit from Powermax.com. They sell used units, you might find the same model with a little more memory or a faster processor. You might be able to get a model a couple years newer and just swap out hard drives.
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It might be a good idea to put up a link to the ifixit.org article regarding touch disease. The article explains in a good amount of detail with out being over technical for the do it yourself-er or novice. It seems that there are repair techs that are installing a metal shield over the 2 chips that act as reinforcement. It was tested and seems to be more durable than the oem design. It would be nice if we could reinforce the aluminum frame so the "Bendgate" problem doesn't occur.