Your lacking some very helpful info. (What wheel locked & why that happened? Is it manual/ Automatic, any other symptoms ?) but if I have it right, the car starts fine, the steering column turns freely & operates correctly (ie; with key in & locks correctly w/ key out?) but you can't shift into drive (won't leave parking lock) ? I know there is a lock thats usually opperated by an electric pin actuator thats triggered by a switch on your break pedal & occasionally that switch can get pushed out of adjustment or alignment with the trigger button when working around the pedals or column? The plug may not be seated all the way? The wire may have been pinched & broken under the covering or pulled from contact at either end? You should ALWAYS CHECK FUSES FIRST WHEN TROUBLE SHOOTING ISSUES OF ELECTRIC NATURE! So there's usually a 1 or 2wire connect on the switch at the braek pedal & possibly a power connection thats made or passes thru where you were working on the ignition switch? Also I doubt this applies to...
Pretty good share, I'm new on this site but will probably be sharing quite a bit as I have extensive knowledge in auto repair & accessories installs as well as general construction & I've always been into tinkering with whatever interests at the time. But it a great simple repair & Casey's add about the caps is good to know before starting this project.