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+1 apple is no poweruser company anymore. they are not fueled by creativity anymore, but by corporate greed. think different was the slogan that stood for apple. innovative and creative was what most people associated with apple. now we have failing keyboards, soldered hdds and ram and prices inflated. proprietary connectors everywhere so we can create more and more waste mountains, while apple acts like they are actually environmentally friendly. here in the comments you have "power users" like jane with 2gb ram macbook airs that tell us everything is fine ;-) that is exactly what apple has become - mainstream. i am thinking about switching back to windows again and linux. i dont want to spend 2000+ on a notebook with soldered ram and hdd.
Devamını okucheck this out. you might have a faulty capacitator - this program fixes it. there is also the possibility to exchange the capacitator. https://github.com/julian-poidevin/MBPMid2010_GPUFix more information about this problem can be found here: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/gpu-kernel-panic-in-mid-2010-whats-the-best-fix.1890097/#post-23312990
Devamını okuThere is a new very decent fix to this problem. It involves simply installing a kext. http://forums.macrumors.com/threads/gpu-kernel-panic-in-mid-2010-whats-the-best-fix.1890097/#post-23312990 Install it and be happy. A hardware fix involves replacing the capacitator - it is NOT the GPU itself that is defective. The problem is the capacitator, which costs just about 2$ -> 10-15$ including shipping. But you need to remove the old one with soldering iron from the logic board and solder the new one onto it so it requires technical ability and also you need to remove the logic board before doing this, so the kext fix is easier. It only has the downside that the dedicated GPU does run only at 70% of its maximum capacity, and external displays can still trigger the kernel panic, as far as I have read. So if you need to use an external display the capacitator exchange would be better for you. Nevertheless test the kext first to confirm it is 100% the capacitator that is causing the kernel panics and then do the...
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“Apple have chosen this route for us and all to shave a few millimetres and grammes off laptops that Pro’s need to have as functional as possible.”
That is a lie that they want us to believe. Microsofts new surface books are not glued together anymore and still are the same size. It is complete BS that glueing stuff together makes the device more slim.
Apple is corrupted by greed. It is simple “planned obsolence” what they are doing. Their environmental greenwashing statements they post on their website are nothing but shallow lies. Time to change. I am not buying Macs anymore unless this practice has ended.