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When are they going to put zerks on the side of these folding phones so one can blow the dust out?
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The 1970s British TV manufacturers used to make fine TVs featuring a main chassis with daughter boards for the various bit and bobs - making them very repairable.
The Japanese manufacturers, e.g. Sony, competed making sets using as few boards as possible - not very repairable.
The British sets often experienced problems caused by issues associated with the various boards, those issues *required* repairs - which though easy to perform meant expensive engineer callouts and downtime!
There were, essentially, zero British TV manufacturers pretty soon, everyone wanted the cheaper, more reliable - yet less fixable - Japanese models!
YES repairability is GOOD, but surely not so if in achieving that repairability the kits becomes unreliable!
“I repaired video games in the 1980s. The CRTs were from Japan and card based. Repair=card swap. This, the norm in commercial gear. Consumer gear is throw away.
Now the HomePod appears to be quite modular. One just can’t get into it in 15 seconds as it should be.
Apple claim that the rings from HomePod on furniture is the result of oil coming out of the silicone pad on the bottom. Does that pad appear to actually be made of silicone? There should not be any oil in silicone to have such a reaction. Some variant of SEBS rubber could. That is the over mold found on power tools or a hacksaw handle.
Just looking at the CPU speeds on the Apple site. As mentioned here, the 8 core is not the same part available to anyone from intel. It is slower. The 10 core is also slower. But the 14 and 18 core chips Apple use match the speed of what intel has on their site. The faster 8 and 10 as well as the same speed 14 and 18 all run at the same 140 Watt Total Design Power. Thus Apple may not be using the lower speed 8 and 10 core to save on heat. Apple likely has to deal with the 140W TDP of the 14 and 18.
Perhaps Apple are saving money by buying the 8/10 core chips from intel that don’t pass the first test?
Got off the phone with Apple. No USB means a corrupted firmware means you will have to send in the device for recovery/restore. You will at least have to pay shipping. Apple stores should be able to recover/restore as well. Don’t exactly the USB pads on the PCB. Maybe the four pads on the left of the bottom image. Anyone?