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That “hold the volume button and the reset button” does absolutely nothing. How do I get into a tablet that is locked and won’t allow access? Yeah, good question that I can’t find the solution to ANYWHERE on the internet………..
Devamını okuIf you’re tried to: (I’m assuming that you have an Amazon account and that you’ve REGISTERED and activated your Fire Stick) 1) Reset it to factory defaults 2) Tried another “power cable” to see if the one you’re using is defective 3) If you’re using the HDMI “dongle adapter”, remove it and try to plug the Fire Stick directly into the HDMI port. 4) Failing everything else, I’d contact Amazon Support and see if they can get you up and running. After all, those folks deal with those all day long and might have some “tips/tricks” that no one has mentioned online. I’m sincerely sorry that it’s giving you grief, “electronic frustration” is one of the most aggravating situations with which to deal……..
Devamını okuNot to be disparaging to you, but really, "Is there any method to factory reset the device without turning it on ? Do you know of ANY electronic device that you can "factory reset" without it being powered on? That's like me wanting to have "remote computer access" with my home computer "powered down" It's not possible to do. And if you can't use the Amazon App, I don't know what to suggest. If it's not responding to the physical remote, IF YOU HAVE AN ANDROID PHONE, you can download the Amazon Fire TV Stick APP from Amazon onto your phone and see it THAT will serve as a remote and try to do a factory reset on your Fire TV Stick..... Without some input device, the Fire TV Stick is pretty useless.
Devamını okuYou might want to try your Amazon Fire Stick in another device. It could be that the HDMI port that it was plugged into could have gone bad. Try it in another device that you have access to that has an HDMI port on it. And change out the charging cable with another one that you know works. Pinning down problems with an electronic device sometimes takes some extra "creative work arounds". If all else fails, I'd contact Amazon support for Amazon Devices. Hope you get your Fire Stick working again!
Devamını okuAfter a couple months of ripping my hair out over this "declining battery while doing nothing" was gnawing at me. FINALLY, I figured it out myself: Go to BATTERY settings and tap the "three dots" SETTINGS on the right hand of the screen. SELECT "BATTERY OPTIMIZATION" AND THEN SELECT THE APPS THAT ARE NOT CURRENTLY BEING "OPTIMIZED". After you do that, turn OFF your phone and fully charge it. Your battery levels should be back to where they ought to be. Worked for me! Now I can get through the day with a 20% battery drop. Give it a try.
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