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I recently became a little curious as to wether or not this model has a sub built in like the old PowerBooks did. i dont...
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all apple required drivers should have been installed with the os install. if you are ok with doing this try disconnecting and reconnecting the trackpad since it is practically right under the ram cover in this model iBook
Devamını okuaccording to some research i just did its on the battery cable
Devamını okuI just checked on my 2.4 from 2008 by slowly sliding an extra HDD down that side and it should be right next to the left of the function key. at least thats where the HDD was when it went to sleep and then woke up once i moved it from that spot
Devamını okuI know from experience that you can just use a standard ethernet or firewire cable to conect the two and with file sharing turned on the mini should show up in the sidebar of a new window in finder uder the sharing category. just click on the mini in the side bar and click connect at the top right and the select the drive and then open time machine and select the drive there. tis how i used to have it set up at my house before i bought an airport
Devamını okuWhat mayer doesnt know is that no not every one has led. the best way i can think of is to check how it reacts when you turn the brightness up and down led gets super bright and has noticeable abrupt lighting increments where as the non led has a steady gradual increase and decrease. if your backlight is already out then your best bet would be to remove the back housing and look to see if your display connector is on the bottom (led) or top (non led) also all high res displays for 2008 and newer(1920x1200) were led and as far as i know most if not all low res displays are non led. hope this helps
Devamını okuyou can just replace the track pad since it would be cheaper then a top case but that is the only options
Devamını okuyou could try reseting the power management chip by holding cmd+option+p+r on startup
Devamını okunovember 2009 purchase date means it is still within the original warranty and can be replaced for free at any apple store or apple authorized retailer that does these types of replacements or you could just call apple 1800myapple and ask them what to do if you dont live near an apple store. i strongly recommend going to an apple store since they have the replacements in stock most of the time and most other methods of replacement take a while to get the replacement
Devamını okuThe only thing reputable about WD drives is that they have a 50% fail rate within the first 6months to 1 year and i am getting this from personal experience and tons of reviews on dif sites. i would recomend a seagate or samsung drive since they are built a little better and the ones i have have outlasted all WD drives i have had.
Devamını okuif there is an apple store near by you can take it there and if they decide to can replace it for free since you wont need a receipt to prove you just got it since it is obviously a just released model and under the 1 year warrenty
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