Again. Needle and yarn method must send in a space between pair cable and back the of screen. NOT a space between pair cable and phone body. Because we will use it to cut sticker glue from near bottom-middle part to a top part of the screen and we don’t want it the cut the pair cable.
If the new screen have defect in their circuit. When you put it to the phone, it will destroy an displaying interface of the phone.
If it happen, the phone it done for, replace a new screen couldn’t help anymore. It’s will always black. No backlight shining.
The phone still work if you see the notification LED and sound. But without screen. It’s done for. (You could call it half death).
I just experience it myself yesterday. The new screen kill my phone in that way. Now I’m looking for a way to fix, but still cannot find any hope.
Replace mother board could help but It would like buying a new phone (don’t forget that still need to find a new screen that not kill you phone again). If that so I will choose my phone to RIP instead. Sad but I must overcome this.
There has a tips to remove screen directly and won’t break.
Let’s open the lower part first (that less of the sticker and it close to the edge). Heat can help here. (Do it carefully, if still feel hard to open it, try heat up again, don’t use just force).
When you success open lower part. Open it a little to see space that you can see through from right side of the phone to the left side.
Use needle and yarn. Send it through that space (becarefull it should be a space between pair cable and back of the screen). Now we have a yarn line that we will use to cut the glue until finish up to upper part of the screen. Still need a heat in process. But more safer and it won’t break your screen :)