I guess you can't add a picture to a Comment. This is how I modded it without cutting! BTW Anyone looking for this related subject should read ifixit Thread below >>> Can a 2011 Mac Mini fit in a 2010 case?
Well it seems I often end up answering my own questions. I searched obsessively and found that archive.org Waybackmachine had archived the now gone 123macmini.com Forum. It actually has holes in the archive. much is missing but the Thread by OP geeji can still be accessed and on page 5 is the Modification to the Sata Connector Ribbon Pictured. Thank the Internet Gods! https://web.archive.org/web/201509051441... P.S. There is a way to Modify that without cutting removing or otherwise damaging that cable at all. I had some Film like Tape that is more rigid than black tape & cut a mm sliver that I placed in the connector over the pin to be blanked out. Basically Insulating it from making Connection. The Beauty of that is Nothing Invasive is done to any of the parts and can be easily removed if so desired leaving the Factory Sata Optical Cable, Drive, Etc. Unmutilated!