Hello Everyone!
I have a passion for sharing my knowledge in home DYIs and clothing renovations. If we are able to foster a social mentality of reusing and repurposing our home goods, then we can help reduce our ecological footprints. Not only is fixing your own items beneficial to the earth, but it arms you with valuable workmanship knowledge.
I have 8 years of practical experience repurposing, renovating, and refurbishing items to full working condition, with a focus in fixing jewelry, clothing, plants, and textiles.
My goal is to share my passions with the world using easy to follow step-by-step guides, so that everybody can enjoy the craft of refurbishment.
School: University of North Texas
Major: Bachelors of Science in Technical Communication
Groups: Eagle Technical Communicators
Fun Facts: I love rabbits!
Katkıda bulunduğum Kılavuzlar
Anaia Dickson
I have 8 years of practical knowledge restoring items. I got my bachelors of science in Technical Communication, with a specialization in manual writing.
University of North Texas, Team 2-8, Raign Spring 2023
Takım Etiketi: UNT-RAIGN-S23S2G8