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A series of 40 inch LCD HDTVs by Sony.

193 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

Sony Bravia LCD TV Bad Sound

hi guys,

my problem is that i have problems with the sound on my LCD

there was a time when i turn in on and the sound was good for a few minutes, after that the sound is like distorted, i have to say that the tv is in the other wall in front of the air conditioner so when i turn on the air conditioner the cold goes to that area and then the tv star to have problems with the sound, when i turn off the air conditioner the problem is over....

now days is crazy, in some channels (i have directv) the problem persists when the air conditioner is off and it goes a little better when it gets cold...

im going crazy i dont know what to do because where i live is hard to get a new tv, maybe the problem is in the speakers but i dont know really

thanks for the help

im going to write in spanish, just in case

hola amigos,

mi problema es que el tv tiene problemas de sonido, hubo un tiempo cuando al encenderlo el sonido era bueno hasta que prendia el aire acondicionado y le pegaba el frio directo (el tv esta en la otra pared de frente al aire), entonces el sonido comenzaba a distorsionarse, suena raro y luego de un rato se le va el sonido, cuando apagaba el aire acondicionado volvia el sonido

ahora estos dias el problema agravo xq en ciertos canales el problema persiste cuando el aire acondicionado esta apagado y en otros mejora (muy poco) cuando esta prendido...

me estoy volviendo loco no se que sucede, puede ser problemas de bocinas pero quiero saber como arreglarlas

muchas gracias por su ayuda

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Jorge Luis Rincon Suarez this could be an issue with the main board. The audio processing is done on that board. You want to check for bad caps or anything else looking damaged. It would help if you can tell us the exact model of your TV and post some good images of your boards so we can see what you see. Use this guide Adding images to an existing question for that. You can always try and connect some different speakers and see if that makes a difference. The other thing to try would be headphones. Let us know what you find.

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