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I cannot get my mic on my headphones to work,.

So, let me start out that this could be my fault and I might know that answer already. I fell asleep and my cat knocked my laptop from the table. It had the headphones in it and they got shmooshed inside the port (This was Months ago.), but after I got it out it still worked fine. The headphones worked and the mic on the head phones worked, But as of today the mic on the head phones stopped working, but it works on all other devices I have. One thing it does is do the pop up saying that there is a device in the sound port, but when I go into the sound device-thing, (I know nothing about computers), it says nothing is there. I really hope it isn’t the headphone port, because I really don’t have the money to fix it.

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Hi @therobotickitty ,

It seems as though the mic in port's internal contact that notifies the BIOS that there is something plugged in may be stuck in the operated position.

Try gently inserting the headphones’ plug again, (do not push against any resistance felt, it should go in easy) and then try gently, stress very gently, rotating the plug whilst trying to move it from side to side (not too far!) and check if when you’ve removed the plug that it has restored the contact to its’ normal position.

If this fails the laptop may have to be opened and the socket replaced (they cannot be repaired).

What is the model number of your laptop?

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The model number is NP74OUSL, And I tried doing what you said, and the mic still doesn't work. I can't really get the port replaced,because, one, I don't have the money and two, I have no clue on how to do it. If all else fails I guess I am not going on discord, for awhile. lol.


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If the port is indeed broken and you don’t want to replace it then maybe a USB headset or Bluetooth headset is an option? Its not the best solution but it will at least get you back on Discord.

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7 Yorum:

Oo, I didn't think of that, I would have to see how much they are. ^-^ Thank you


Also, the laptop most likely has a microphone build in, so maybe you can use the laptop microphone for now and use the headset for sound only?

Just a thought...


Well with that I for some reason cannot use it when I head phones are plugged in, I even went and made it my default mic. Idk why it won't let me.


Okay i see, if you don't plug in the headset at all and use the speakers in the laptop for sound and use the laptop microphone what happens then?


The mic then works, I tried to fix this before, but since in the devices it says there is no headphone mic in I can't set the built in mic to the default one.


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