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Announced on October 16, 2014, identifiable by the model number A1347 and EMC 2840.

198 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

Knocked off two (I assume) capacitors when changing hard drive

Hi All,

I recently upgraded my Mac Mini (A1347) to a SSD, unfortunately I seem to have knocked off the last to capacitors next to what looks like a battery (CMOS). They are in a row of four, obviously it’s a row of two now for me. lol ;(

I have looked online but cannot see why these are there and where to get a replacement. The Mac oddly seems to run fine without them, although the start-up chime now only happens intermittently so I’m guessing they have something to do with the internal speaker?

Sorry if this has already been answered I couldn’t see a post for the same issue only another really small capacitor or transistor above the battery.

I’m not a fan of Mac OS, but you can’t deny this is the nicest looking computer inside and out. There is literally a mm of space between everything although that’s probably why I now have loose components rolling around my desk! lol

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Update (01/22/2019)

OMG! Thank guy’s. :)

I’ve taken both sides of the board and where the rail of caps were.

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Update (01/22/2019)

Thanks guy’s really apricate the help.

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Bu iyi bir soru mu?

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6 Yorum

Really need to see the logic board area to see if you still have pads to re-solder the caps take a tight picture of the area.

Also are the tabs still on the caps? Take a picture of the other side of the caps so we can see them as well Adding images to an existing question


Well, the good news! You didn't damage the logic board pads so you can either re-solder the caps or if they are damaged replace them.

Still need to see the other side of the caps! Don't loose them! As you might be able to re-solder them on.


Hard to tell it looks like one cap is OK, is the second one missing one of its tabs?


Yer it snapped when I was trying to bend them back straight, sorry for the dodgy image. Probably best if I just replace them and get them soldered, I tried to re-ball a T60 NVidia chip once, worked for about a week and my hair nearly fell out doing it, I’d rather pay a pro. ;)

Does anyone know where I get the replacements caps from, thanks again for the help guys. So appreciative.


Anybody know where I can source a replacement for the two capacitors?

Many thanks. :)


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They are capacitors for sure, but it would be needed a couple of pictures of the board with their original location to be able to tell what they’re there for and give you the exact specs for replacement. The logic board number would help too for those of us who are not into macminis repairs, it’s printed somewhere on the board and should read like 820-xxxx-x

There’s always a bit of redundancy in capacitance on logic boards and that explains why it works even without them. However a replacement would be definitely be recommended.

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 3
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The four caps are setup in parallel with each other so the load is split across them. You really don’t want to run the system this way as the remaining caps are not a rated for the full load they are now taking on.

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Pads still there!

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

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