My car turns off while driving without warning.
What would cause my car to turn off while driving, and what would cause it to start with hesitation?
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What would cause my car to turn off while driving, and what would cause it to start with hesitation?
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My 2004 Nissan Sentra one day decided that, after five minutes of idling, it would just die, and it would start up again, and then die.
This wore down the battery, so I got it jumped and tried to drive it to a repair shop... but it died while I was driving it, so I got it towed to the shop.
They saw that my battery was dead, so they replaced it without asking and charged me for it—then my car died while I was driving home angrily. So, the second tow was paid for by the shop. It ended up being a dud sensor... fuel sensor, I believe.
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cant u help me i have honda odyssey 98 i replace fuel filter fuel pump and crank sensor but still not starting my car what is cause problem how to will fixs my problem
Check the electronic ignition switch in the steering wheel column they ware out and can cause a vehicle to start but not run. I had one go bad on a honda accord it would turn over start but shut staight off and i replaced fuel pump , starter, ignition coil and module plugs wires then i checked the electronic ignition switch and that was the problem now runs great
I have a 2011 equinox and every so often I will be driving and all of a sudden it goes to 0 rpms and then dies. Can someone tell me why this is happening
I have a Camry 2008 and it goes off any time i start it in the morning but ofter some time it picks up but it still goes of when am driving. Av changed the plugs but it still persist. My mechanic said i have to ring the engine how true is that.
2009 Honda Civic, car stops running when going about 60-65 mph, engine light goes on and car stops. A few minutes later car starts again. Any thoughts?
Before you do these, you may consider doing a quick check of your battery terminals. I've actually personally had problems with a Honda civic and a Nissan Sentra where dirty battery terminals caused the vehicles to stop running. The Honda would sometimes shut off mid-turn because the wires would shift slightly and cause the good contact points to disconnect. The Nissan just had so much corrosion built up it wouldn't start at all!
If the terminals look clean the other answers here are an excellent next step.
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This would cause the to not start but not die while running . the car alternator will keep a car running even if you disconnect the battery
That was the problem i had on my accord as well, likely the cause.
Definitely not the cause. More likely fuel shut off switch or solenoid. Or bad wire on computer, or bad computer, or loose terminal in the 40 or 100 amp fuse in the engine compartment fuse panel. Or, alarm system malfunction. But not loose battery wire...
Please help me i have 89 s10 2.5Lt 5spd bought for 100.00 3 yrs ago first problem was doing about 55 mph and my truck did something for the first time it hesitated almost to stall but i saved it and kept going 1block later truck shut down while cruzing like someone turned key off.Everbody has answers so replaced fuel pump still battery strong but wont run. Spray starting fluid in throttle body vehicle ran fuel filter is 7 mths old checked gas line 3 inches before injecter and gas spues out good please help why wont my most reliable truck run i miss it i need your help and have a feeling you have the answer thanks Ed
Got Spark? Coil? Mag.!?
i had a 1998 honda crv...there was a recall on these the civic, and the accord all the wy back to 1996 till about 2002. i was climbing a mountain pass and the enigine stopped. luckily i was able to drift off the road to the right. i was in the slow lane.
it was the ignition switch, whic was not beefy enough for all the electircal. it was 35.00
i bought the car in 2004 with only 58,000 miles it. the pervious owners had replaced the switch per the recall in the 90's. but still that switch wasnt strong enough.
bought the switch from honda. they finally beefed itup to handle all it needed to,never had a problem after that which was in the fall of 2004.
i always think about what if i was in the fast lane of a crazy freeway. it would have been a scary situation.
hope this helps. these older hondas run forever. and without the internet i probably wouldnt have found out what was wrong with my honda, ignition switch.
i had the same problem back in 2004..i bought a 1998 honda crv with 58,000miles. got it home and it did the same thing going thru the mountain roads to get home. the engine shut off. had it towed home. my brother inlaw said go online to see if there is any posts..well i found one a woman from canada posted in 2000.
i turned out to be the igntion switch... i looked at my paper work from buying the car from a private party..sure enough..they kept excellent records..there was a recall from honda going all the way back to 1996..for replacing the ignition switch...a simple little $35.00 part purchased from honda...lucky for me when it happened to me in 2004 honda had discovered that the switch just wasnt stout enough to handle all the electronics..such as putting your key into the ignition switch to start the car.with that turning on the lights, heater. wipers anything like that.. the switch was not beefy brother in law said the new switch purchase in 2004 had been made to solve the problem..he came to my house after work. took the dash board cover off...replaced it started the car and it has never happened again and it it now 2016....thanks to the interent and an old post and the people i bought my car from keeping great records of service on the car..i solved the problem. is i found ifixit website and looking for something else. and found all of these people with the same problem..i will answer this question to anyone who post it.. it is worth if becasue the hondas will run past 300,000 miles if we take good care of them...still driving my crv...
you have to get the part from the honda dealer...also after disconnectioning battery ect to fix it. rememember to make sure you have the code for resetting your radio...mine was on the radio itself and had to take the dash apart again to get the code was on the side of the glove box where it was suppose to be..
i hope this helps and you havent spent to much money with all the other suggetions you have tired..
my brother inlaw is excellent at what he does and installs smog. and does repairs..he new enough about a problem to suggest the internet..and there it was. on woman in canada from 2000...
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Thank you! I was very scared the other day because I was driving straight down the road, and the car just turned off. I bought the car used last year and didn't know about the problem. Now I can show this to my mechanic.
mathisbarbie...i am reading this comment a year later..did you get your honda fixed..???
If your car dies and hesitates check your fuel system fuel filter first then look at the fuel lines, look for fuel leaks then are any lines damaged restricting fuel flow, pressure test the fuel system . If you have a engine stethoscope listen to the injectors they should sound like bells ringing, if they sound quiet or dead (thump sound) there's a problem ,nice clean ring is good. Listen for the fuel pump is it running properly. Hope this helps
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I have a Peugeot 407 it cut out while driving a few months back but started up minutes later, roll on to now its happening every few hundred yards. Any ideas?
In my experience with Honda's, try replacing the ignition module. It is located inside the distributor cap.
I found two different ones. One looks like what I am used to.
The other looks like it plugs in to a cable under the dash or out on the firewall.
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This would make sense because when my car shut off while driving straight down the road, the green light with a key symbol came on.
Ignition switch!! If you jiggle your key does the car shut off? If so, don't hang a bunch of keys off of it till fixed. Ignition modual is a huge issue as well and they're linked. Both cheap. Watch youtube to fix
I had to replace ignition switch with the same symptoms at 175K. It was replaced by recall at ~50K before. All job was 1 hour including beer.
Try wiggle your key in ignition while running. If you can turn it off without distinct feeling of 'click' in the ignition you need to replace the switch. It was switching off for me when I took my leg from the gas pedal on intersections and touched keys hanging from car hey.
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there is a lot of recalls you should check it out
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I had this problem with my 98 civic lx. I replaced the distributor, cap, wires, plugs, fuel filter, ignition switch, and fuel pump. And it still died on me. Usually at intersections, but also quite a few times when i was cruising at 45, even 65 on the interstate. Engine would just conk out, while all electrical stuff stayed on, lights, radio, heater. It would take anywhere between one minute and a half hour to get it to turn over and come back to life. I was really at the end of my rope. Then somebody suggested I replace the main relay. Incredibly easy swap out, just had to take out the glovebox, remove one bolt, one plug, stuck the new one in, and presto, hasn't died on me since.
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I had the same problem with my 2001 Honda Crv awd, I almost gave up after I replaced The fuel filter, fuel pump, distributor, wires, but still have the same problem, it just die after 10 to 15 minutes from the starting even if you driving on freeway.
After I read this answer I decided to try to replace the fuel pump relay, so I bought it from auto zone for $50.99 and I replaced it by myself.
The fuel pump relay in 2001 Honda Crv located behind the glove box to the right side, you have to remove the glove box and the side plastic piece to get to it.
Thank you guys for help.
Hey I'm having the same problem I have a 96 accord and it just shuts off while driving then I have to sit for a while then it'll start and I go maybe 1/2 mile and shuts off again. So I get it home replaced wires ,plugs, fuel pump, even main fuel line and its still doing it. So with this main fuel relay do I have to unhook battery when I replace it since its like a sensor? Please help
You don't have to unhook battery when you replace the fuel pump relay, I replaced it by myself, it's easy, just you need a screw driver and small ranch 12mm.
My 2004 jeep gc at times won't start also at times shuts off while driving. I was told chip in key is bad? ?
Try replacing the ignition switch assembly. I don't know about the 1998-2002 Accord, but there is a known issue with 1996-2001CRVs' ignition switch. There's a Honda recall for these 1st generation CRV for this very problem.
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Honda 2001 awd.... No reverse gear or it wont go past 70... Blinkind d signal.... How can i fix issue
2001 awd. Honda crv
That was a recall by Honda some years ago. I had mine replaced by Honda(recall) . But I had to replace it again myself. So changing out the ignition control module is not a one fix for life job. I don't like how it can happen again. That is a dangerous defect.
When I changed mine out I noticed that the dealership wrote the date on the part. So I did the same with the replacement. It took me about 2 hours to complete this repair. But afterwards I didn't have this issue anymore.
But I would be sitting at a light and it would just cut off getting worse with time.
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There are many causes fir this. Start with the most simple to the most complex when diagnosis anything through the pricess of elimination:
1- check battery condition, make sure you have a good static charge of 12.4 or 12.6 V when car is off. Check battery terminals to see if they are very dirty, corroded or loose. Follow battery cables to main source make sure no corrosion. Check negative or ground cabke follow to source make sure the other end is tight and clean..
2- inspect ignition switch for problems.. Sometimes car dies inmeduatey after turnibg on, typical of thus priblem
3- check ignition system: distributir coil, and igniter, cap and rotor, moisture can get there causing short curcuit.. Check with spark checker and look for spark
4- Check fuel injectors, maybe clugged due to carbon build up.. Replace them if necessary
5-- check for bad fuel filter, dirty or clugged.. Bad quality fuel.. Could also be an issue.. turn key to on position, you should hear a buzz sound indicating fuel pump is priming.. Check for fuel pressure, loosen bolt on fuel filter, then turn key to on position only, you should see a squart of fuel coming out.. If not, you got a problem.. Before checking fuel pump, make sure its not the fuel filter bad, causing fuel pump to workmore than normal. Very careful, never check for ignition and fuel system at the same time, very dangerous. never smoke when checking for fuel pressure.. Install fuel pressure gage into fuel rail, start engine and see pressure then compare to manufactures pressure.. Hope this can help you..
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If the ignition switch doesnt do the trick check the fuel relay. Another known problem for honda/Acura
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You know some people replaced everything sensor, fuel stuff ect still had that problembut a honda guru told me check the key tumbler unit. Try bumping the key while going slow on back road. He called it a tumbler switch
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Honda Accords of this period (1998-2002) as well as other models are known to have issues with their ignition switch. After 100K miles/10+ years, my car would randomly die while driving and after replacing the ignition switch, the problem never returned. One indication that it might be the ignition switch is if your car ever fails or hesitates to activate the starter when you turn the key to start the engine. Another simple cause could be worn or loose battery terminals (always check the easy stuff first)!
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I had this problem on my 1999 honda accord. The engine would suddenly cut out, but would immediately start again if the key was turned completely off and then back to start. Honda dealer changed my ignition switch and problem has not returned. That was about four years ago now. The switch still uses the original key, so presume it was not a problem with the barrel, but to do with whatever other part there is. It was an annoying and dangerous fault, but now completely cured.
To all having key switch issues in their vehicles:
Leave your other keys off of your ignition key ring. Too much weight from alot of keys will ruin your key switch. I have changed dozens of switches due to this very cause. Honda and Nissan vehicles seem to be more susceptible than other makes, but all can develop this issue. Change your key chain or change your key switch, your choice. ;)
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This has happened to me with my Mazda 3 - suddenly stops running and battery light comes on - but starts again when I turn on the ignition- I have a new alternator (2 years ago ) and new battery - should I check the key chain trick?
You know some people replaced everything sensor, like Honda pilot, tires, etc still had that problem but a honda expert guru told me to check the key tumbler unit.
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I'm more seasoned on computers, but I saw this and figured it wouldn't hurt to comment. I just got done dealing with this in my Chevy Trailblazer and the computer system that controls the vehicle had to be replaced to solve this issue. I would be driving down the road and all the sudden the check engine light would come on and the car would die.
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This happened to my car just the other day amd it was my computer located under the dashboard
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Either evap canister or relay sensor and check that battery terminals are good n clean
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Ignition switch or ignition coil. Wiggle the key around when on a backroad or neihood and see if it turns of. Honda notorious for ignition switch or coil located in the distributer housing. If not look at sensors related to fuel sending but i doubt it
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Het is een onderbroken massa(-) aansluiting,b v. bij Porsche.
Of het heeft zelfontbranding in de cilinders door koolrestanten van vorige verbrandingen.
Voor betere verbranding zie transistorontsteking voor verbrandingsmotoren benzine/gas
met contactpunten bij de ontsteking.
Joost Bosman emmen nederland.
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Its fuel pump prob. Just change it and problem solved.
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i have my honda civic 2000 when driving the engine goes off and when l start it starts again then drive without any problem .
So if there is no code and the alternator and battery have been replaced what would be the next cause? Fuel sensor, steering switch, or …? Fuel pump?
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I had a Honda Accord 1.8i 1999. Changing the ignition switch, but retaining the original keyway and keys, cured the cutting out problem.
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This is a technical issue. You may need to go to your nearest servicing center.
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It was the ignition module.
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My 1996 Honda Accord dies and engine light comes on the day after rain I disconnect the battery sometimes it needs 10 minutes sometimes it needs longer it then starts I can't find the leak but it's on the drivers side
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My fuel pump relay has been replaced on my 99 Honda Accord EX but my car still shuts off while driving. I'm not sure what else is the cause? Can anyone provide suggestions who has experienced the same or similar?
Tiffany Ellington tarafından
Also, my car is able to start up again right after or sometimes a few minutes after.
Tiffany Ellington tarafından
Crank sensor could be the problem
Thomas tarafından
I was also told it can be a problem with the ignition switch. I'm not sure where to start. I had the fuel pump relay fixed but still shuts down while driving.
Tiffany Ellington tarafından
check the ignition as my one is having it changed as there is two sorts
igwat tarafından
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