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iPod Classic 6th Generation. Model A1238 / 80, 120, or 160 GB hard drive / black or silver metal front

906 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

Any known methods for removing scratches from plastic screen


Iv have recently repaired and iPod classic 7gen but when the screen when is lit up you can see little rainbow scratch marks across the plastic screen and I am wonder if anyone has any know methods of removing these scratches

Any answers or suggest are greatly appreciated


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There are commercial plastic polishing compounds. They come in various grades. I used them when I worked to refurbish electronic communications equipment for the disabled. Don't expect perfect results and work slowly and gently for best results.

Here is one example, which is NOT an endorsement just to give you an idea of what is out there.:

Remember it is best if you contact the manufacturer yourself. Tell them what you are trying to polish and they should recommend their best product for that plastic. Use your own judgement. If they are too positive be wary.

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 2

1 Yorum:


Il give it a shot

Thanks again:)


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En Yararlı Yanıt

Hi @hellomacos

Try using a non gel type toothpaste i.e. ordinary toothpaste and gently rub some over the scratches and check if that works. Wipe off with a clean dry cloth.

Do not apply too much or apply too much pressure to the screen.

Also turn off the device when trying this.

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 2

5 Yorum:


I will try that right away and tell you the results


Hi @jayeff

Sadly no luck but thanks sooooo much for the advise it is greatly appreciated

Thanks again:)



Please unaccept my answer as it didn't work for you.



Hi jayeff

I think I have unaccepted the answer

Your one has gone from “chosen solution “

“Most helpful”

Thanks again



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