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Released September 21, 2018. Models A1920, A2097, A2098, A2100. Available as GSM or CDMA / eSIM or nano-SIM / 64, 256, or 512 GB / Silver, Gold, or Space Gray. (Pronounced "iPhone 10 S.")

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iPhone XS keeps shutting off and wont turn on until plugged to charge

A couple days ago i bought second hand XS but it has a issue which is randomly shutting off. Sometimes if i hit right side switch its come back to life but most of the time i need to plug the charger to it to boot. Battery was supposedly changed by previous owner and he haven't had it issue. Before i take the phone to the shop i was looking here for someone with similar problem but didnt get the answer. Could it be low quality battery or some other (connection i think) issue? There is no panic logs if that helps.

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Dropped off phone at repair shop and conclusion is bad battery and missing ribbon cable retainer (that piece of metal that screws on top plugged cables). With new battery phone seems to power on and operate without issues but ill update thread once i got it back in couple of days. Thanks for everyone answers.


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Got the phone back from battery replacement. It still has the same issue. For me its not worth dumping more money into it so probably gonna sell it and start looking for something else. Thanks for everyone answers.

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It could certainly be the battery, but this sort of issue can be very complex. Having a look at the panic logs would be the biggest help. I might also have a look at the iPhone Randomly Shuts Off page for a few ideas.

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3 Yorum:

There is no panic logs, sorry but ive made typo in original post. It just turn off and when it turn back on it even had apps opened in background. Ive checked out that page, done update and done reset but it didnt make much. This whole issue seems weird and since it is my first iphone i came here for guidance, looked thu 16+ pages of XS questions and found only one somewhat similiar but op didnt get the answer.


@podwojniak If there's no panic log, then it's more likely an issue with power delivery. Panic log is an issue that can be detected by the software, forcing a restart (or shutdown, but more often restart). In this case it's more like the power is just getting pulled. Either the battery, or something with the charging or other power related circuits on the board seems suspect.


Ok. So that confirms what ive been thinking. I hope new battery and charging port (it has a lot od slack) will fix the problem.


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Check the battery percentage in settings and see what the capacity is. Either way it sounds like it needs a new battery.

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1 Yorum:

It reports 100% and battery has been changed about 3 months ago.


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Hallo Wojtek,

the log record is usually crucial in recognizing the fault, but it also requires behavioral confrontation. You said it shuts down. How often does it turn off? At what point does it turn off? Is it correlated with some action or application? All these questions you need to ask and think about. This is the only way to repair any device at this level of complexity.

reprint the last panic.log here (the first 30 lines are enough), I'll try to help interpret it.

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Puan 0

7 Yorum:

Hi. Can say exactly how often it turns off, got it working for 3 hours max (phone was laying and charging on desk while i set up apps and so on after migrating from android), usually its less than 30 mins, most of the time constantly (pick up the phone from charging, unplug the cable and it turns off). I cant pin the issue for any of my apps (Messenger, Instagram, Spotify), it just happens when i just carry the phone in hand/pocket. Ive made typo in original question, there is no panic logs whatsoever.


so what you wrote is crucial: after disconnecting the phone from the charger, it restarts. Such a symptom indicates a faulty "boost" circuit or other dysfunction in the charging sub-system. With no going into details, the instantaneous demand for energy exceeds the minimum levels (due to the need to switch between usb and battery (main) source). The compensator, whose task is to maintain power for a fraction of a second, necessary to switch between sources, does not work. This may be the result of using a non-original lighting cable or a remnant of incompetent assembly of the motherboard after an earlier failure. Either way, it looks like a current problem requiring microelectronics intervention.


@tojaert The thing is, i was using phone for max 30 minutes after disconnecting the charger. It doesnt turn off automatically after i unplug the cable everytime. Since it happens so randomly ive tought it may be a loose connection of some ribbon cables or faulty battery replacement. Cable seems to be original since it was unpacked but i dont know what cable previous owner was using.


so if it happens randomly, what I wrote earlier loses its validity (not applicable in this case). If this fault occurs after 30 minutes after power disconnection... (each time after 30 minutes of disconnection?) then you should consider a software problem. In this case, charge the phone to a minimum of 60%, go to service mode and restore (restore mode - this is important) system software via iTunes. Sign in to iCloud normally but don't restore apps you normally use (temporarily). Check the operation of the phone after doing so. If the phone keeps restarting after 30 minutes of use after disconnecting the power supply (if I understood you correctly - maybe write it in Polish, it will be easier :-)) you will need to consult it again. Perhaps you are reading the symptoms incorrectly and the problem is elsewhere. Look for a good repair shop in your area just in case, you may have to give it to a specialist.

but I see you've already chosen the best answer. If you have any further questions, please contact Alisha C.


It happens up to 30 mins after i disconnect the cable. Could be instantly, could be couple mins or max i guess 30 mins. Now i picked up the phone and its keeps shutting off, but yesterday i was able to use it little bit. Battery is charged 100% and that didnt seem to make much difference.

Problem nie jest stały, zdarza się, że do pół godziny jestem w stanie korzystać z telefonu normalnie, a zdarza się tak jak dzisiaj, że każda próba odłączenia go od ładowania kończy się wyłączeniem. Muszę wtedy odłożyć telefon i podłączyć go z powrotem do ładowarki żeby się włączył. Czasem jeśli od razu po wyłączeniu wcisnę przycisk on/off telefon wraca do życia ale to również zdarza się losowo. Gdy telefon działa z przyciskiem nie ma problemu, reaguje na każde kliknięcie. Wydaje mi się, że głównym problemem może być któryś ribbon cable nie wpięty do końca w złącze bądź wadliwa bateria, która powoduje jakieś mikrospięcia, które powodują uruchomienie bezpiecznika (bądź czegoś podobnego) w telefonie i odcięcie zasilania.


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