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Acer entered the world of laptop computers in 1997 when it purchased Texas Instruments' mobile PC division.

1705 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

Laptop not booting up


I have an Acer laptop that is not powering up. When I plug in the charger the fan and hard drive spin up slightly then stop. I have tried attaching a monitor and swapping out the ram. My last port of call is to check the hard drive. However if this is faulty I’m not sure how to get windows 7 back ( believe the operating system is on the hard drive). Thanks

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@liamc73810 inetresting. It does not sound like a HDD error but a board error. Start off with the easy things. Disconnect the power from the computer by unplugging the power cord from your computer. Disconnect all external devices from the computer. Remove the battery Now hold the power button depressed for about 30sec-1min. Reapply the AC power adapter and see if your computer does show any sign of life.

If your computer does not make it to even the splash screen, Take a close look at your board and main processor check for anything odd on the board.

Update (11/19/23)

Once you get to the point where you have to work on your motherboard, post some good pictures of it with your Question. That way we can see what you see. Adding images to an existing question

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Thanks for the reply. I will do. I will post progress here. I will test my hard drive then open up the laptop further.



Update in that the hard drive tests fine. I will move on to opening the laptop up and checking the board.



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