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Released November 2020, the PS5 console features vastly upgraded visuals and an innovative new Dualsense controller. The space-age black-and-white color scheme is a noticeable departure from PlayStation designs of the past.

192 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

PS5 Power Supply Burns

I just recently bought a PS5 that was broken. I noticed that it seemed to get no power so I opened it up and discovered that the PSU is only putting out 9 volts, I thought that maybe cockroachs had gotten inside of it and shorted it out (I noticed them when I first opened it up, seemed to be cleaned well). When I opened it I saw two areas where the back of the PCB seemed to be burned, all of the components on the front seem to be fine. I was wondering if this is fixable and how I could fix it if it is possible. Yes, I understand the risks and I am willing to take them, I understand what to do to be safe in this power supply. Thank you.

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I was able to fix my PS5's power supply by replacing the circled components and repairing the burnt traces.

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@sjamesmm In my opinion, the power supply is basically unfixable. I'm not sure what traces have been damaged from the burning, and I can see that some of the components have burned and no longer functions as intended. I would instead recommend getting a replacement power supply.

PlayStation 5 Power Supply Görseli


PlayStation 5 Power Supply


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