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Repair and disassembly information for Google's Pixel 7 Pro smartphone, released in October 2022. Identified by model number GP4BC and GE2AE.

97 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

Flickering pink lines on the side of screen

I have these pink horizontal lines on the side of my screen but when I put the phone in the freezer for 5 minutes, the pink lines are gone but just for 2 minutes and then it gets back to having pink lines gradually from small horizontal lines to longer ones that goes to the middle of the screen. My Pixel 7 Pro is cracked but has no black or white spots/lines. Do you guys know a fix to this? Or is it due for replacement?

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Hi @jessiedeguzman

Seems like there's may be a problem with the screen.

You did mention that the phone was cracked, so did you mean the screen?

Heat expands, cold contracts so it may be that there's a faulty internal connection in the screen itself that when the phone is cold there's good electrical contact but when it warms up the connection is broken causing the problem to reappear.

It could also be a faulty screen flex cable connection on the systemboard as well.

You may have to temporarily replace the screen and check if the replacement works OK or not. If it does then the original screen will have to be replaced as it cannot be repaired.

Here's the ifixit Google Pixel 7 Pro Screen Replacement guide that may help.

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Wow! Thanks I get it now. Yes, the screen is cracked on the left side, but the pink horizontal lines are on the right side of the screen. Will there be a fix if it's a faulty screen flex cable connection on the systemboard?



If it just a loose connection or corroded flex cable contacts possibly, but if it is the systemboard connector itself you may need micro soldering skills.

Best option is to open the phone and check the flex cable and then if it looks OK temporarily replace the screen.

Given the screen is cracked I'm thinking it is the screen. Just because it is cracked on one side and the problem is on the other doesn't mean that they're not related as the wiring input may be on one side but it controls what's on the other side if you get my drift. Being internal it's hard to know.


@jayeff thank you so much!


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