Why does my PS5 completely shut off after replacing my PSU?
About 2 something weeks ago, my uncle was able to replace the PSU inside the PS5 for me and it was working great. Then in the past couple days, it has returned to suddenly shutting off, like to the point where I need to unplug it and plug it back in again. Is it something internally or is it something as simple as needing a better ventilated area near my console?
Bu iyi bir soru mu?
Do you get any error message? When does it turn off? After gaming a while? Does it stay on for some longer time when you replug it?
Could be the power supply again.. It's also possible that this is caused by heat (depends on how long it stays on). And when it's turned off, does it stay off (as in no lights and unexpected shutdown)?
koppie007 tarafından
@dan0 No error message, just straight to a black screen. When that happens, can't turn it back on again until I unplug it from the wall. But someone suggested it might by a "dry spot" on the gpu.
Spartan tarafından
@spartan54530 Ahh, so the PS5 stays on, but you just get a back screen? And only way to get the screen working again, you need to unplug it? If that's right, it could be a lot of things.... You probably need to disassemble it and check the components on the motherboard!
koppie007 tarafından
@dan0 @koppie007 ah no I think I misread. The PS5 shuts off completely, black screen, no lights, controller won't turn on until I unplug it. Then it enters the "repairing" screen and gives me the notice the ps5 was turned off incorrectly by unplugging it. But then it starts back up again.
Spartan tarafından
@spartan54530 Alright, I don't think it's the heat. It's probably the power supply... I would return the power supply you have and get yourself a new one! It does sound like there is just something wrong with it. Or was this the original problem as well?
koppie007 tarafından
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