kory hentges, here is what the service manuial says to try first. Check to see if you can get in the diagnostics mode
"The Diagnostic Tests will test and verify all of the inputs to the machine control electronics board. These tests are an overall check of the dryer electronics and the related components. The tests should be run prior to making any of the troubleshooting tests.
1. Make sure that the dryer is in the “Standby” mode (plugged in and all of the indicators are off).
2. Press the following control panel keypad sequence all within 5 seconds:
More Time—Less Time—More Time—Less Time.
3. All indicators on the console should nowbe illuminated with “88” showing in the “Estimated Time Remaining” display, if this test mode has been entered successfully." Also, check to make sure that ribbon connectors P3 and P4 are inserted all the way into the machine control electronics board. The service manual also suggest that, if you unit should not power up, to:
" 1. Check the 120 VAC electrical supply.
2. Check the wiring harness connections.
3. Check the control electronics."
The attached image is the wiring diagram for the dryer. you can clearly see that the door switch is a definite possibility. If your door switch is not functioning, your drum light will not come on. Hope this helps, good luck.
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7 Yorum
do not think it is the door switch because even the light inside the dryer does not come on, and it is a digital dryer so the front panel would also light up, i also tested the thermal fuse and it is good, have power to the dryer because i forgot to unplug it when i tested the thermal fuse and it zapped me, any other ideas
kory hentges tarafından
turn off breaker.
inspect power cord connection to dryer.
inspect connections inside outlet.
inspect power cable.
once problems are corrected you should measure
120v black to white
120v red to white
240v black to red
take measurements at power cord connection to dryer.
unit should turn on for diagnostics if voltages are correct.
Crashedhdd tarafından
Controller wire mount connector has been known to be glitchy causing controller not to start up. Grasp each side at the wires and push together. Unit should start if it is plugged in.
Crashedhdd tarafından
I have this issue too. I found the plug with the defect. If I unplug it and slowly push it back in i get display, most of it. But as I push it further in the display shows up but after the click for the harness connect latches it all goes out. Can I replace this cable and/or circuit board to fix the problem?
JarJar tarafından
My Cantrell panel frid how can i.by pass it to make.the.dryer work agen
Mike tarafından
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