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4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ

    • Download and extract the latest version of Mainsail from their Github

    • Open the Raspberry Pi Imager

    • Select Operating System > Use custom > Select the Mainsail OS you downloaded.

    • Select Storage > Select your SD/USB.

    • Bring up the Advanced Settings menu by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+X

    • Here you can setup your WiFi, locale, enable SSH and numerous other options.

    • Write > Yes to confirm

    • After imaging is complete the SD/USB is automatically ejected. Insert it into the RPI.

  1. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ: adım 2, 3 resimden 1. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ: adım 2, 3 resimden 2. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ: adım 2, 3 resimden 3.
    • Connect your Raspberry Pi to the SKR3 EZ by USB or UART cable. I used a UART cable so that is what I will be showing but I'll try to explain how to setup USB as well.

    • UART wiring

    • PA10 > GPIO15

    • PA9 > GPIO14

    • GND > GND

    • For USB ONLY connect a USB cable from the SKR3 EZ to the RPI and place a jumper on VUSB

    • Make sure the double throw switch is in the up position

    • Connect the RPI to it's 5v power supply and power it on. Do not power on the the 24v PSU

  2. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ: adım 3, 2 resimden 1. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ: adım 3, 2 resimden 2.
    • Verify the RPI is connected to your network. Open command prompt and run

    • ping mainsailos.local

    • You should see it return successful pings

    • Open a web browser and go to

    • mainsail.local

    • On the machine tab you can see the IP address of your RPI next to "wlan0"

    • I use Remote Terminal, but using your favorite SSH client login to your RPI with the default credentials

  3. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ: adım 4, 3 resimden 1. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ: adım 4, 3 resimden 2. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ: adım 4, 3 resimden 3.
    • Set your locale

    • sudo raspi-config

    • Set your region preferences for L1-L4

    • Reboot your RPI when finished

  4. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ: adım 5, 1 resimden 1.
    • SSH back into your RPI and run

    • sudo apt-get update

    • sudo apt-get upgrade -y

    • Because I used a brand new image (released the day before) there was nothing to update. If yours installs updates make sure you restart the pi

  5. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ: adım 6, 1 resimden 1.
    • SSH into your pi and run

    • cd ~/klipper

    • make menuconfig

    • Set the following parameters

    • Enable extra low-level configuration options

    • Micro-controller Architecture (STMicroelectronics STM32) --->

    • Processor model (STM32H743) --->

    • Bootloader offset (128KiB bootloader (SKR SE BX v2.0)) --->

  6. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ: adım 7, 3 resimden 1. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ: adım 7, 3 resimden 2. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ: adım 7, 3 resimden 3.
    • Continued

    • Clock Reference (25 MHz crystal) --->

    • 3 wire cable connected from TFT to RPI GPIO

    • Communication interface (USART1 (on PA10/PA9)) --->

    • USB Cable

    • Communication interface (USB (on PA11/PA12)) --->

    • Press ESC key

    • Y to save configuration

  7. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ, ***For USB connected board only***: adım 8, 2 resimden 1. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ, ***For USB connected board only***: adım 8, 2 resimden 2.
    • Press and hold the BOOT and RESET buttons.

    • Release the RESET button first, than release BOOT. This will put the board in DFU mode.

    • Get the boards ID number by running

    • lsusb

  8. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ, For UART and USB Connected Boards: adım 9, 2 resimden 1. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ, For UART and USB Connected Boards: adım 9, 2 resimden 2.
    • Compile the firmware by running

    • Make

    • The SKR3 doesn't have a bootloader so you cannot flash it from the RPI. You'll need to use the SD method.

    • Open WINSCP

    • Navigate to /klipper/out/

    • Copy klipper.bin to your PC and rename it to firmware.bin

    • Copy firmware.bin to a SD. I used a 128mb one I had laying around

    • Holding the RESET button on the SKR3 EZ, insert the SD card into the SKR3 EZ.

  9. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ: adım 10, 2 resimden 1. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ: adım 10, 2 resimden 2.
    • Release the reset button and the firmware will update. When the status LED goes out the firmware update is complete.

    • Remove the SD card and press the RESET button.


    • You need to get the boards ID. Run

    • ls /dev/serial/by-id/

    • Reboot the RPI

  10. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ: adım 11, 1 resimden 1.
    • Power on the RPI and SSH into it.

    • Run

    • cd ~/klipper

    • sudo cp "./scripts/" /etc/init.d/klipper_mcu

    • sudo update-rc.d klipper_mcu defaults

    • sudo service klipper stop

    • make clean

    • make

  11. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ: adım 12, 2 resimden 1. 4. Installing Klipper on SKR3 EZ: adım 12, 2 resimden 2.
    • Continued

    • make menuconfig

    • Micro-Controller Architecture > Linux Process. Press esc than Y

    • make flash

    • sudo service klipper start

    • Verify klipper_host_mcu is in the tmp directory with ls /tmp/*

    • Add the pi to the TTY group

    • sudo usermod -a -G tty pi

    • Once complete go to Step #** Canbus

Bitiş Çizgisi

3 farklı kişi bu kılavuzu tamamladı.

David Husolo

Üyelik tarihi: 06/16/21

9.162 İtibar

33 adet Kılavuz yazıldı

5 Yorum

is it suitable for skr 3 but NOT EZ version?

Vlad Vovk - Yanıt

that saved my life, thx

Balint V - Yanıt

is it different for a btt pi4b with cb1 emmc 32g

Dustin brooks - Yanıt

Thank you. I have it running with a BTT Pi (power 24V) and using USB with the SKE3 EZ.
Step 8 (Get the boards ID number by running) is only needed as check if things work.

/dev/serial was not created due to a faulty Debian script but can be solved by updating and upgrading "sudo apt -y update && sudo apt -y upgrade".

Zekitez - Yanıt

"The SKR3 doesn't have a bootloader so you cannot flash it from the RPI"
SKR3 has a 128 KB bootloader. Yet you can't flash it from the Pi.

Arty Chow - Yanıt

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