5. Canbus
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Create the CAN0 interface file
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces.d/can0
Enter the following
auto can0 iface can0 can static bitrate 500000 up ifconfig $IFACE txqueuelen 256 pre-up ip link set can0 type can bitrate 500000 pre-up ip link set can0 txqueuelen 256
Exit and save the file with CTRL + SHIFT X > Yes
Sudo Reboot
The CAN board needs a bootloader so we can flash the Klipper firmware. We will use CanBoot. Download the CanBoot repository:
git clone https://github.com/Arksine/CanBoot
cd CanBoot
make clean
make menuconfig
Micro-controller Architecture > (STMicroelectronics STM32)
Processer model > STM32F072
Build CanBoot Deployment Application > (Do not build)
Bootloader offset > (8KiB bootloader)
Clock Reference > (8 MHz)
(500000) CAN bus speed
Communication interface > (CAN bus (on PB8/PB9))
Micro-controller Architecture > (STMicroelectronics STM32)
Processer model > STM32G0B1
Build CanBoot Deployment Application > (Do not build)
Clock Reference > (8 MHz)
Communication interface > (CAN bus (on PB0/PB1))
Application start offset > (8KiB offset)
(500000) CAN bus speed
Add the 5v jumper. Connect the USB-C from the Pi to the EBB36 board.
Put the EBB36 into DFU mode
Press and hold the RESET + BOOT button. Release the RESET button while holding the BOOT button, than release the BOOT button.
Get the device ID of the board after it's in DFU mode
Before DFU mode
In DFU mode
Erase and flash the firmware
sudo dfu-util -a 0 -D ~/CanBoot/out/canboot.bin --dfuse-address 0x08000000:force:mass-erase:leave -d DEVICE:ID
Power off the system. Plug in the 4 wire CAN cable from the UT0C to the EBB36, and power on the the printer and RPI.
After the system is powered up verify the CAN network is up.
cd klipper
python3 lib/canboot/flash_can.py -q
You should see 1 entry for application CanBoot. Note your UUID.
Micro-controller Architecture > (STMicroelectronics STM32)
Processer model > STM32G0B1
Bootloader offset > (8KiB bootloader)
Clock Reference > (8 MHz)
Communication interface > (CAN bus (on PB0/PB1))
(500000) CAN bus speed
flash the EBB36 with the newly compiled firmware
python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py -i can0 -f ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin -u 9fd4db4bdbc0
sudo dfu-util -a 0 -d 0483:df11 --dfuse-address 0x08000000 -D ~/CanBoot/out/canboot.bin
If all goes well your CAN board should now be flashed
~/klippy-env/bin/python ~/klipper/scripts/canbus_query.py can0
Load the provided files to the printer and press FIRMWARE_RESTART
Checking the Machine tab you should see the 4 systems