Try disconnecting and reconnecting your keyboard, making sure you place it firmly. If it’s still not working try cleaning out the keyboard connections on both the tablet and the keyboard with a dry cloth, checking for any debris, before reconnecting it.
To perform a factory reset under Windows 8, click on Settings (on the Windows 8 toolbar on the right side of the screen) > More Settings > General > Reset your PC.
Even though it's advertised as waterproof, you should follow the instruction manual for your camera to protect your device. (1) Don't let any sand or dirt get into the battery/memory card cover or multi-connector cover. (2) Never open any parts of the device (battery/memory card cover, multi-connector cover) in the water or when your hands are dirty. (3) Set the camera on the "underwater" setting using the touch panel before you use the camera in the water. Hide the icons on the touch screen while you're using the camera near water (the icon to do this is on the right side of the touch screen). (4) Make sure the device is completely closed before using it near water. The yellow marks under the slide lock should not be visible. (5) After using your camera in the water, always clean it to maintain water-proof performance. Don't open up the camera until you finish cleaning. Clean the camera by letting it sit in pure water (in a clean bowl) for about 5 minutes. Press the buttons and slide the levers and open...