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These teardown videos are great. In short, before buying any device anyone should watch a teardown of it. If not available, skip the product altogether unless you want to make a teardown video of your own (if and when time comes) and risk non repairability of the device. Much like car industry must provide maintenance manuals and perform safety tests (of which videos are available) there should be also a law about portable devices which requires all manufacturers to provide teardown videos and repair manuals. There is so much talk about “greening”, “sustainability”, “eco-friendly”, “care for the planet” but sounds to me it’s mostly greenwashing. Want to cut reduce drastically the speed at which we consume resources that go into making electronics? Allow anyone willing to repair and keep their old devices to do so providing info and parts. There’ll be always those who buy new every year or so (that’s here to stay). Those of us who prefer conserving and responsible consumption should be allowed to pursue it.