Well the way I understand how boards are made is they are a fiber glass substrate that is bonded with a resin to stiffen the board , the board is then heat treated , circuits and other items are attached then its slightly floated over a river of solder to bond the compactors and other items to the board then heat treated once more and sealed , then off to testing . I am thinking that the board and the sealing risen is breaking down and expanding from heat and depending on age of the unit oxidation of the metals , not all mother boards are made the same way chemicals different from company to company and such . hope this helps .
Dose it shift hard all the time or just some of the time ? if it is what i think it is you will need to have the valve seals in the trans replaced .AKA ( Overhall) When thay get some miles on them (100.000) or so the seals get hard and the trans has to build up more pressure then normal to push the vales that make the trans shift , and some times this caulas a delay in shift responce so it shifts hard . if you dont have the money go to your local Autoparts store and get or ask for some trans Fix and put it in it will sofen the seals so it will shift easer and not so hard . Hope this Helps .
Could be a faulty MaterCylnder Fluid Level switch , there is a switch with a plug on the MasterCylnder somtimes thay go bad and thay are simple to replace . ask your local auto parts store thay should help get you the right part , Remember right down all the cars ( Year , make , model , motor size , and VIN # this will get you tthe wright part .