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Second generation of iPhone. Model A1241 / 8 or 16 GB capacity / black or white plastic back. Repair is more straightforward than the first iPhone. requires screwdrivers, prying, and suction tools.

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Does replacing an iPhone screen void the warranty

My wife's iPhone was dropped and the front screen crakced about 6 months ago. It still works. The phone is about one year into the two year warranty (we bought the extra warranty). If I repair the screen, will that void the Apple warranty if anything else goes wrong?

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Puan 1
1 Yorum

would the extra warranty cover the broken screen like on most phone extra warranties sold, or is it applecare and does only cover breakdowns?

I guess Apple cannot force you to go to them for a repair (at least this is how it works with car companies) - you should ask dept of consumer affairs or equiv for advice


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11 Cevap

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This is one of my favorite issues!

I have replaced many iPhone screens and if done properly apple will not know. QEII is correct that it does void your warranty but only if they know you have done something.

1. There are numbered tabs inside the phone they are on all the ribbon cable connections. They can be taken off and placed onto the new ribbon cables for the new display. Try to avoid leaving fingerprints or clean them of with rubbing alcohol and a q-tip.

2. The biggest mistakes on replacing iphone glass is that most people do it to quickly. Patience is key. A heat gun is required to loosen the adhesive holding the glass and digitizer to the plastic frame. There is a rubber gasket surrounding the frame and heating it too quickly will damage this gasket and proving that the phone has been tampered with.

3. Follow the guide to replacing the iPhone glass. Become familiar with it prior to your repair. Don't rush or become discouraged! Done properly and the phone will not look tampered with and the warranty won't be void, because there is no proof.

Guide here: iPhone 3G Front Panel Replacement

Good Luck!


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Puan 7
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Don't buy Apple. They do their best to find a reason to void the warranty. That is why there are 3rd party stores making a living fixing iPhones.

Truth is their products are junk. They scratch and they break. Everyone experiences a broken screen at some stage.

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Puan 3

2 Yorum:

100% what I found!!! had an iphone 6 working completely fine completely took care of it and left it in an otter box always never put it in my back pocket. I bassically did everything you are supposed to and then the screen went black.... I took it in they said there was a minor bend in the frame so it wouldnt pass their calibration machines. refused to repair. I found out it is the backlight on the mother board went out and so it is completely a hardware malfunction that should be covered under warranty but their solution is to make me buy a new iphone 6 while im not even halfway through paying for this one


thats my problem with my iPhone at the moment the backlight hasn't completely gone but is really dim and i don't know how to fix it.


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This is a common question, when customers enter our store. We take possibly voiding a warranty so seriously that we even have a small bit about it to separately initial on our work order forms.

With that said and simply said, if you phone is worked on or opened by an individual or company that is not Apple Inc, you void your warranty. (like they guy said above that is if they know and they can see it) So make sure you go with a Pro Shop for your repair. Another reason why replacement screens can void your warranty is because just like our company Device Savers, we do not know the unforeseen of a rookie tech repairs. They could have done a great job on the screen repair, but messed up your charger port in the process, which is very common for non-pro's. Why would we warranty the device, when someone else caused damage to it. So simply said if Apple can see and prove that someone else has been in your device it voids the warranty.

There are also many other instance that can void the warranty, such as cracking the screen, water damage, heck even if there is any cosmetic damage to the device the warranty can be voided.


The warranty does not cover cosmetic damage, so a scratched screen will not be repaired/replaced to fix the scratch. However, Apple will determine, on a case by case basis, if the cosmetic damage actually indicates a cause for any functional or other hardware defect or improper functions.

You can indeed bring in a cosmetically flawed device for service under warranty for defective components to Apple. However, the only time cosmetic damage will void the warranty entirely is if it is determined to indicate accidental damage, abuse or mis-use of the device in some way as to void the warranty. But that is decided on a case by case basis, and there is no blanket rule governing such instances.

You can read your warranty here - (pick your country from the bottom right flag symbol). In the USA, for an iPhone, the main paragraph covering the issue you raise would be:

"This Warranty does not apply: (a) to consumable parts, such as batteries or protective coatings that are designed to diminish over time, unless failure has occurred due to a defect in materials or workmanship; (b) to cosmetic damage, including but not limited to scratches, dents and broken plastic on ports; (c) to damage caused by use with another product; (d) to damage caused by accident, abuse, misuse, liquid contact, fire, earthquake or other external cause; (e) to damage caused by operating the Apple Product outside Apple’s published guidelines; (f) to damage caused by service (including upgrades and expansions) performed by anyone who is not a representative of Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider (“AASP”); (g) to an Apple Product that has been modified to alter functionality or capability without the written permission of Apple; (h) to defects caused by normal wear and tear or otherwise due to the normal aging of the Apple Product, or if any serial number has been removed or defaced from the Apple Product."

Note the separate statements - that cosmetic damage itself is not covered, nor is damage caused by accident, abuse or misuse. However, whether anything falling into the former criterion actually constitutes voiding of the warranty by the latter criterion will be determined by Apple when you present an item for warranty service. One thing does not automatically imply the other.

Hope this helps!

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Puan 2

2 Yorum:

I went to Apple to get a new screen my was broke and I had it replaced by someone else before and broke it again and they said it voided my warranty. So got a new screen somewhere else but now I'm having software issues. Does Apple keep Record of my file or that my phone is no longer warranty. I wanna try and go in with the sofeware issue now. But scared they going to turn me away. Am I red flagged??


Hey I have the same problem , did you ever take it back?? Did they know?


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I very much think so. It might be worth asking Apple though, if possible.

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Puan 1
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Actually, dropping it voided the warranty! - what you do after that point is your business. :)

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Puan 1
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Yes it will. Any tampering of the phone will kill your warranty. Also Mark, I suggest you replace your board.

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Puan 0
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Accidental damage, although not eligible for repair under warranty, should still be repaired by an apple authorised service provider. If at a later date the phone became inoperable, due to water damage for instance, Apple will not replace the phone under the out of warranty service (Again, accidental damage not covered by the warranty) if the previous repair has not been performed by Apple or an approved service.

I learned this the hard way! The difference in the price of an out of warranty replacement and a new handset is significant!

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Puan 0
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I changed my iphone body and iphone screen which is not original

Now i will break it and claim insurance

Will the apple person get to know it?

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 0

2 Yorum:

Does iphone metal body has any number from inside?


I believe they call that "fraud"


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Apple cannot legally void your warranty for using a third party source to fix your phone. It's under the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act of 1975. Look it up and learn. All major electronics dealers try to sneak this by you.

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Puan 0

1 Yorum:

They can if it states in the warranty prior to purchase that you can't use a 3rd party clearly.


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I had my iPhone 6 Plus repaired the screen is totally cracked I went to an outside vendor it cost me $60 I started to have issues with the phone it would shut off it would blur it would look like static on a TV screen and it would shut off at times so I went to Sprint my carrier and told them the phone was going crazy they sent it out when it came back they gave me another one because they said they couldn’t fix the issues with my original phone of course when they give you another phone it’s not new it’s a refurbished one it actually worked out for me because the one they gave me didn’t have a single scratch on it I’m very picky about having scratches or nicks on my phone and I did have one nick on my phone and that was bothering me so now I have the same phone but totally brand new except one main factor remember it’s a refurbished it does the same thing that my other phone did and sometimes other stuff as well so yes you can get it done on the outside as long as it’s done correctly they will never know because as you can see I was able to send it out and they gave me another one the fact that the one they gave me now is giving me issues it’s to be expected because I got a refurbished one which means it’s a phone that belong to somebody else and was fixed so unless you get a brand new phone any phone you get from them as a replacement is a refurbished phone And they are supposed to give you a loaner while your phone is sent out if they don’t have a loaner they can call another store and find a loaner for you

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Puan 0
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fix it and when you want to pay the deductible because you can't fix it or don't want to just say that it was stolen and get a brand new phone. A new screen with lcd costs about 120 bucks and my deductible is 175 with my saurian insurance.

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Puan -2

2 Yorum:

Water damaged my phone, so i decided to take it to a repairman and they couldnt do anything to it, they only opened the phone and didn't change anything. The only problem i have is that the screen wasnt placed properly. I purchased the apple care+, do you think ill still be covered by the warranty.


you are a moron if you went to local vendor even after having an apple+

now they wont cover $@$*


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