Ana içeriğe geç

2.2 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.4 GHz), 2.5 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.7 GHz), or 2.8 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 4.0 GHz) quad-core Intel Core i7 processor with 6 MB shared L3 cache and an optional AMD Radeon R9 M370X dGPU.

20 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

MacBook Pro Shuts down randomly

Two days ago I wanted to continue with my video project on my MacBook Pro. I opened it (I don't shut it down) and it was off. I thought maybe the battery was dead and I didn't charge it.

So, when I put my MacBook in the charger and click the on button it went on for 5 sec and then turned off. I pushed the button again and now I could login I looked at the battery it was still 80% so I thought that's odd.

Then when I logged in it shuts off again. I've tried for several times to turn it back on sometimes it didn't even turn on and sometimes it turns on and then it shuts off again after seconds.

I went to a computer store but they didn't know what was going on the guy said that he couldn't find anything weird in my MacBook (software) yes of course when the guy looked at it it worked. Until it suddenly shuts down and I was like: 'Yes that's the problem!' But he had no clue. All he said was: 'send it back to apple'

So another thing: I'm traveling and need my MacBook for my work (I'm a colorist and work in the film industry) I need it everyday.

Maybe something important: last June I Accidentally closed my MacBook with the charger between so my display broke. I replaced it, cost me lots of money, and then after 2 months it was loose (I haven't fixed it yet, been more than one month now)

I can move my display up and down for at least 1cm. I can also detach the black bar underneath the display from the display, think this used to be glued together.

I don't know if this might be the problem from the MacBook shutting down randomly.

Ps. Sometimes my MacBook doesn't shut off completely and the fans start making extreme noises. It's like my MacBook is frozen.

Mid 2015 with Retina display

  • 2,5 years old
  • Used daily
  • MacOS Sierra


I've turned it on again and clicked the D that brought me to some sort of check. It said: nothing is wrong.

Now it just restarts randomly. It's better but still not 100%

Yanıtlandı! Cevabı görüntüle Ben de bu sorunu yaşıyorum

Bu iyi bir soru mu?

Puan 23
21 Yorum

Hey Ruan. Just signed on for Real Mac Mods. I highly recommend you add a goal or mission for your petition. You lay out the issue well, but what do you want your 100 signatures to accomplish?


Mine also late 2013 15 inch MacBook pro shuts down randomly even after clean install of Mohave 10.14.2 , no problem when running Windows 10 in bootcamp, guess Ill just use it for windows,,,,uuuuggggg!


I just started the petition "Apple: Apple Macbook Random Shutdown Syndrome" and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name.

My goal is to reach 100 signatures and I need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:

Apple Macbook Random Shutdown Syndrome


One thing I think is important to add, especially for a few who believe this to be a hardware problem, is that I have bootcamp installed on this mid 2014 15" macbook pro and the computer NEVER rebooted in Windows despite the fact that it typically ran at 80+ degrees celcius in windows yet about 30 degrees LOWER in Catalina. I just disabled the network thunderbolt service and an hour later, it has NOT shot down.. YET. I did this in desperation after reformatting the hard drive and installing Catalina ONLY (no bootcamp) and this shutdown within 15 mins.


Windows does not utilize the unstable low power mode that causes the crash. This has been well known for several years. This can be seen in Intel Power Gadget. As well, all tested Linux versions do not utilize the faulty power mode. All tested versions of OSX do.


16 tane daha yorum göster

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28 Cevap

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The problem should be solved once you turn off buggy Thunderbolt LAN Ethernet driver. Here are the steps:

1) reboot with CMD+R pressed.

2) open Terminal

3) sudo csrutil disable

4) reboot in normal mode

5) sudo mv /System/Library/Extensions/AppleThunderboltNHI.kext


6) reboot with CMD+R pressed

7) csrutil enable

8) reboot and forget about problem

Solution has been taken from one of the forums. That's personally helped me with my mid14 macbook pro Retina 15

UPD: How did I find this

I have the same issue with random "silent" shutdowns. Mac randomly turned off with the screen on, fans started to work at max level. Few repair services tried to diagnose the problem but unsuccessfully. All the times diagnostics showed "all is ok, maybe battery". I have replaced the battery but issue was still there. In the 4th repair service engineer found out the issue with voltage: with some random load on computer voltage on motherboard was going down from 12V to 11,5, 11.2 or even 10V and after this macbook was crashing. The only possible solution as I was said by the service is to replace the motherboard.

However, macbook was working perfectly when I connected external monitor. I have started to search through the forums and finally found people with the same problems and solution was found here:

Good luck guys. I wish you could save your macbooks too!

P.S. Another possible solution is to use the python script which you could also find by the link at the top. If I understand properly, it generates some specific load which keeps voltage at normal level. However script slightly affects on performance and battery life without plug.

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 32

39 Yorum:

This did not solve my issues but pointed me in the right direction.


This should be the correct solution for me as I witnessed the problem reoccur after a Mac update and the kext file was “fixed” back by system and immediately recreates the problem. How smart Apple is.


What is the right direction @dusten?

I have the same problem and I get the error no such file or directory when I attempt to rename...


@yalematta did you go to the folder provided in the solution to see whether it was really there? The buggy kext should exist if you are using the updated macOS...


@yalematta I found in reading the thread that also just going into the Network Preferences and deleting all the thunderbolt adapters solved my issue.

I started with the instructions above with moving the driver and what not but that didn't solve it for me.

Being that I work almost 100% wireless deleting all the unused Ethernet Interfaces and only leaving the wireless and Bluetooth stopped the random shutdowns.


34 tane daha yorum göster

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I had this issue on a mid 2014, 15” MacbookPro (11,2), under OS X 10.11, 12 and 13.

Both renaming the kernel extension and running the python script worked.

However, just inactivating the service also worked for me.

In the Network control panel, select the thunderbolt bridge connection(s) and make the service(s) inactive from the options drop-down menu, at the bottom of the frame.

Whenever you need a wired connection through thunderbolt, activate the service and do your work (running the python script at these times to avoid crashes). When done, inactivate again.

BTW if you boot to recovery partition (CMD+R), renaming AppleThunderboltNHI.kext does not require inactivation of the system integrity protection through csrutil or issuing commands as sudo (since you run as root). I you just need to navigate (with the `cd’ command) to your main HD extensions folder (usually /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/System/Library/Extensions/) and rename (with the `mv’ command) AppleThunderboltNHI.kext . If you can boot your mac from another partition, internal or external, you can do that through the Finder.

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 5

5 Yorum:

I have been using the kernel extension and occasionally the python script. But with Catalina haven't figured out how to do the rename. So went to the python script all the time. I just came across this post and hoped that making the thunderbolt bridge inactive would do the trick but no luck. Stuck with the python script for now.


Trying the headless HDMI dongle solution. seems to work so far as long as display remains optimized for that display. Changed it optimized for the laptop Retina display and immediately shutdown.


I dont have that extension on my system. I did remove the Thunderbolt item from network settings.


Sorry i went to wrong extension folder.... should have done cmd + g "/System/Library/Extensions"


PS you cant change that name even if your admin, changing and adding admin to write rights doesn't work neither for me. Ive now delete all Thunderbolt Bridges and see what this will do. Then ill try this one and otherwise perhaps that app. But i found it was basically some Python file someone posted, i did find a link to that file but its dead


Yorum Ekle

MacBook Pro 15 - Retina - 2014 MID - CATALINA OSX

1. Reboot with CMD + R

2. Open terminal In Utilities

3. csrutil disable

4. Reboot in normal mode

5. Terminal: cd /System/Library/Extensions

6. In order to turn off read-only in Catalina in / catalog run in terminal: sudo mount -uw /

7. Open this catalog in finder /System/Library/Extensions

8. Find file AppleThunderboltNHI.kext and right click Get Info than click Sharing & Permission

9. Instead of read-only change to read & write

10. In terminal: mv AppleThunderboltNHI.kext AppleThunderboltNHI.kext.BAK

11. After that Instead of read & write change to read-only

12. Reboot with cmd+R

13. csrutil enable

14. Reboot in normal mode and forget about the problem :)

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Puan 5

1 Yorum:

Seems to work for me without the sharing and permission steps on the file. Would also add that I have problems when the system updates even getting it to install without shutting down. Hooking the laptop to an external hard drive with a thunderbolt cable allowed it to finish installing and then I could implement the fix.


Yorum Ekle


Driver fix will not be applicable with Catalina. When you install Catalina, It partitions the disk into 2 and save the OS on a Read Only partition. You can’t change driver to .bak. I will try disabling or removing Thunderbolt on Network and let you guys know.

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 3

5 Yorum:

Hi, have you solved the problem? Just about to upgrade to Catalina, sounds like I shouldn't? I suppose I've got more life out of this machine that I should have expected, maybe its time to get a new one.


In Catlina, before rename the file, run it: sudo mount -uw /

It will let you rename the file.


Thanks -- saved my bacon again after Catalina upgrade!


This worked for me on Catalina 10.15.3 installed on a MBP 15.

I followed the procedure explained above.

1) reboot with CMD+R pressed.

2) open Terminal

3) csrutil disable

4) reboot in normal mode

5 a.) sudo mount -uw /

5 b.) sudo mv /System/Library/Extensions/AppleThunderboltNHI.kext


6) reboot with CMD+R pressed

7) csrutil enable

8) reboot normally


I'd just add the my machine kept shutting down even before finishing the upgrade install so couldn't even implement the fix. But found having an external drive plugged into the usb c port allowed it to finish the install and then I could do the full fix as above .


Yorum Ekle

Let's take a very hard look at that battery, There are known issues on your machine with it.

Please download, install, run and post your findings.

Coconut Battery

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 2

2 Yorum:

I've downloaded Coconut Battery and it says:

macOS battery status: Good, battery failure: None, Battery temperature: 28.8 Celsius degrees, Age: 927 days


Click on the Apple logo in the menu bar. Then, click on About This Mac > System Report > Power. In the Health Information section, see if the condition says "Service Battery."


Yorum Ekle


I've replaced the AppleThunderboltNHI.kext with one from El Capitan (it's version is 4.0.4), and now my MBP15 late 13 stopped shutting down. — here is the link.

Hope it'll help you too!

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 2

4 Yorum:

не подскажешь, на мохаве не пробовал?


Hi! Have you had any further issues after replacing the kext?


How do you replace the kext file with the one from El Capitan?



Каким образом можно заменить файл "AppleThunderboltNHI.kext" в папке "Extensions" на файл, который вы уже предоставили?

Моя система: MacBook Pro Mid 2014

ОС: MacOS Big Sur версия 11.7.10 (20G1427)



Yorum Ekle

Random Shutdown Fix

You can prevent the random shutdown by connecting any device to the Thunderbolt port. Don't have one, then do the following:

Boot to recovery:

1. Click on Apple logo at the top left of the screen.

2. Select Restart.

3. Immediately hold down the Command and R keys until you see an Apple logo or spinning globe. You will see the spinning globe if the Mac is trying to start macOS Recovery via the internet because it is unable to start from the built-in recovery system.

Open Terminal :

1. Type csrutil disable and press return.

2. Reboot

3. Open terminal

4. go to /System/Library/Extensions

5. sudo su

6. enter the user pwd

7. type "mv AppleThunderboltNHI.kext AppleThunderboltNHI.kext.BAK"

8. Reboot to recovery

9. Open the terminal

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 2

2 Yorum:

Yes, this sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, which makes the problem even harder to diagnose.


See my comment blaming the keyboard or its cable. Good luck.


Yorum Ekle

Ok Guys So Here’s the FIX with BIG SUR

I did few modifications with whatever was available on internet to solve this problem

Step 6 & 7 are few modifications which I did.

Here it goes

Reboot in recovery mode (CMD+R)

  1. Utilities -> Terminal
  2. csrutil disable
  3. csrutil authenticated-root disable
  4. mount - uw /Volumes/Macos (Enter WHATEVER YOUR MACOS DRIVE NAME IS, my macOS drive name is Macos)
  5. cd /Volumes/Macos (Enter WHATEVER YOUR MACOS DRIVE NAME IS, my macOS drive name is Macos)/System/Library/Extensions
  6. rm -rf AppleThunderboltNHI.kext
  7. rm -rf /System/Library/Caches/*
  8. Kmutil install -u --force --volume-root /Volumes/Macos (Enter WHATEVER YOUR MACOS DRIVE NAME IS, my macOS drive name is Macos)/System/Library/Extensions
  9. bless -folder /Volumes/Macos(Enter WHATEVER YOUR MACOS DRIVE NAME IS, my macOS drive name is Macos)/System/Library/CoreServices —bootefi --create-snapshot


You’ll need to perform these steps every time you update Big sur with their security updates n all.

No need to enable SIP

Have a good life :-)

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 2

9 Yorum:

Thank you so much! This resolved the problem for Big Sur


Just an FYI, to double check to see if this driver is disabled/not loaded, go to "About This Mac", click on System Report, under Hardware click on Thunderbolt. It should say no drivers loaded.


I've tried this to the T and still facing the shutdown on my MBP 15 inch mid 2014 model. I'm currently running the Big Sur 11.1 RC.

Also, after following the update steps, when I check the System Report, the Thunderbolt is not saying no drivers loaded etc...

Any suggestions will be really helpful.... Thanks


step 3 does not work if you have FileVault enabled


Sumitgrover@cybergeeks , if the system report is showing the thunderbolt drivers, then you did not preform the steps correctly. Possibly step 8. Do this:


If problem still persists (freeze up) after booting to regular mode, boot back to the recovery mode and do the following modified step 8a instead of step 8. by starting from step 4.

8a. kmutil install -u --force --volume-root /Volumes/Macos (Enter WHATEVER YOUR MACOS DRIVE NAME IS, my macOS drive name is Macos)


9. bless -folder /Volumes/Macos(Enter WHATEVER YOUR MACOS DRIVE NAME IS, my macOS drive name is Macos)/System/Library/CoreServices —bootefi --create-snapshot

Good luck.


4 tane daha yorum göster

Yorum Ekle

This article lists some possible fixes.

There is also a lot of discussion about what the problem was, possible solutions, attempted solutions, etc in this thread: MBP turns off Randomly Without Warning. You might find other options in there if nothing in the first link works.

Good luck!

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 1

1 Yorum:

I've already checked those pages and I didn't found a solution.

That's why I posted this


Yorum Ekle

Okay ladies and gentlemen after 4 months of testing I have isolated the issue.

  • Updated to Mojave problem still persisted
  • Removed Thunderbolt port in Network Preferences problem still persisted
  • Reset PRAM problem still persisted
  • Reset SMC problem still persisted
  • Took my MBP to the genius bar, all hardware passed diagnostics problem still persisted
  • Took my MBP to mac specialist, said it was a software issue or logic board issue. roll back OS to previous state problem still persisted.
  • Rolled back to previous state problem still persisted
  • Rolled back to Mavericks original factory OS problem still persisted

3 things that could be wrong after this troubleshooting:

  1. CPU Core voltage is causing the random shutdown
  2. iGPU is bad (requires logic board replacement)
  3. Logic board needs to be replaced

Before throwing in the towel to replace the logic board I attempted to try to code the python script posted by Anders Wiggers myself with no success as I ‘ not a coder and spent 3 hours wrecking my brain. so I decided to use the Mac-Mods software for $10 and ran the software which creates a gear spinning on the bar and voila the laptop no longer randomly shuts down!

Updated to Mojave and just an FYI the gear is no longer in the bar but the laptop does not randomly shut down.

The problem is CPU core voltage related which is corrected by the python script or the Mac-Mods software for $10. if this does not work it is most likely a logic board issue.

Good Luck

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 1

2 Yorum:


(or keyboard cable)

It’s 2020, so if you’re reading this, then likely none of the above repairs worked. Your a1502 shuts down during or right after start up. I tried all the suggestions. [Side note, when I could get to terminal in Recovery Mode to do the csrutil disable, didn’t need “sudo”.]

Other, troubleshooting steps I did . . .

• swap the hard drive out with several known-good hard drives - problem insists

• visually examine board for signs of liquid damage - none

• take hard drive out and test in another known-good a1502 - worked fine

• using known-good Mac same model, did clean install of OS, returnEd to faulty Mac – still crashes on/before start up

Observation - in off chance I got to Recovery Mode, the shut down options window wouldn’t give up. Repeatedly hitting ESC to cancel persistent unsolicited shutdown attempts was only thing to prevent it from turning off. Almost as if the power button was being pressed.

I disconnected the keyboard/track pad ribbon cable from the logic board and plugged in an external keyboard. VIOLA.

Now to figure out if it’s a faulty ribbon cable or the keyboard. Fingers crossed it’s the former, a $15 fix.


@wellconnected This may solve your issue, but I can guarantee it doesn't fix the random shutdown problem for many of the cases listed here. The very fact that deleting a driver or plugging in a Thunderbolt accessory solves the problem suggests it couldn't be the keyboard or cable, otherwise those fixes wouldn't work at all. Moreover, if you simply boot into repair mode, the issue resolves itself. There's one technician who claims it has something to do with a set of faulty MOSFETs and replacing them solves the problem.


Yorum Ekle

Hi. Guess I get to join the party. My late 2013 MBP 15 has been shutting down. Using High Sierra.

I tried a lot of the suggested fixes I could find online with no success.

It would run ok and not crash if I had my audio hardware plugged into thunderbolt. If I unplugged, it would crash in a matter of minutes. I turned off the Thunderbolt /Ethernet ports in Sys Pref, and that seemed to work for a while. But, instead of entering sleep mode, it would shut down. Thought it was working enough to bring it to work (where I dont have a TB device) and it shut down within minutes of turning it on. UGH!

Currently, I have the TB/Ethernet ports set back to “using DHCP”, but I decided to shut off my wifi (I’m currently typing on my work PC). My Mac is currently not shutting down, until I turned the wifi back on, then it shuts off in minutes.

So, no TB plugged in and wifi OFF and machine acting stable. I’m curious if anyone else has had things stabilize by turning off wifi. And further, what this means for me and my MBP.


Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 1

1 Yorum:

Closed my MBP last night. It shut down at some point. Had 4 failed boot attempts to start the day! Command D got me booted and working (TB plugged in still). At work, I have no TB device here to plug in. MB crashing in less than a minute. Turned wifi off, no more shut down. On a whim, I tried Renew DHCP Lease for Wifi in Network Preferences. No crash for about 15 minutes. Rebooted, and went back in to Renew DHCP Lease for wifi. Hasn't shut down in two hours.


Yorum Ekle

For whatever reason putting my flash drive in the USB slot fixes the problem. o.0 I havn’t tried the wifi thing yet, but that sounds interesting.

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Puan 1

3 Yorum:

Do you use your USB for anything else? Network, Internet? Have you tried shutting off USB Ethernet in Sys Prefs/Network?


OH MY GOD! IT WORKS!! I got my MBP to repair store and they put a new motherboard in it, after that I got a new external SSD for backups for my MBP and random shutdowns didn't appear for a long time. But then I needed to use my MBP out of home so I plugged out SSD then call my wife and MPB shut down in few mins, I thought that problem reoccur and didn't realize that I got it fixed by plugging in my back up SSD!! HUGE THX for your comment. I can't believe that the solution was THAT SIMPLE!


Okay all I did was delete the thunderbolt kext file. I hope it fixes the shutting down ?


Yorum Ekle

I do not think the issue resides with the battery at all. Apple products are know to do stupid $@$* to "protect " their devices. Sometimes your computer does stupid things from the humidity being a little to high for this delicate expensive device and trips a fuse. That being said a fuse in your motherboard could be fried and it keeps get tripped and it shuts down your computer. So this might need a full replacement of the mother board but I do not know for sure. Get a reliable repair person to check if this the case. This repair might cost half as much of the computer so I think it might be in your best interest to buy a new computer if this is the case. This repair could be very cheap though if the person just needs to replace the fuse and nothing else.

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Puan 0
Yorum Ekle

In reply to the past comments about random shutdowns with MacBook Pro late 2013, I also have this experience and I think I have solved it, at least on my MacBook. . My MacBook Pro experiences this random shutdown, and has been for many months, however only in High Sierra. I also boot camp into windows this shutdown does not occur when in Windows in Bootcamp. I erased the entire drive and installed El Capitan and I have not had a random shutdown since then.

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Puan 0
Yorum Ekle

Any updates on whether this problem was fixed in Mojave or not?

i guess not… seems they have forgotten about us

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Puan 0

4 Yorum:

Definitely NOT fixed with Mojave. I'm still having this issue. :(


me too!! need help


Remove your Thunderbolt port in Network Preferences, worked for me in Mojave.


My problem came back after upgrading. I actually went through the entire procedure of booting recovery, sudo csrutil disable, reboot, sudo mount -uw /, rename the file, reboot into recovery, re-enable csrutil, reboot and it worked. After that, I found the info about the thunderbolt option in the system preferences network -- which I believe would have solved the issue.

In other words, the Mac attempts to start a network connection over thunderbolt and shuts down when this fails. Removing the ext keeps it from getting far enough to shut down. Disabling the network in the networking preference panel will keep it from trying to start a connection.


Yorum Ekle

there might be a lot of reasons for that.

It might be due to physical power cord or motherboard or power supply.

Better to visit and consult some local support shop.

If you want to figure out this on your own, then you have to diagnose the problem, you will have to try different things.

You have to try to Reset your MacBook (follow this decent article on the internet for that

You have to try to pull out and pull in the battery(yes you will have to open your MacBook)

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Puan 0

1 Yorum:

SOLUTION FOUND! I have a MacBook pro with the same issue. I found connecting and external monitor or TV with the HDMI cable corrects the issue. Then I purchased a CompuLab Display Emulaor on Amazon for $8.50. It's a small dongle you connect to your HDMI port. It fools the laptop into believing it has an external monitor connected. Better than an $1100.00 board. I put the link below.

P.S. I tried all of the solutions out there and none of them worked for me.

Best Wishes to you all,



Yorum Ekle

SOLUTION FOUND! I have a MacBook pro with the same issue. I found connecting and external monitor or TV with the HDMI cable corrects the issue. Then I purchased a CompuLab Display Emulaor on Amazon for $8.50. It's a small dongle you connect to your HDMI port. It fools the laptop into believing it has an external monitor connected. Better than an $1100.00 board. I put the link below.

P.S. I tried all of the solutions out there and none of them worked for me.

Best Wishes to you all,


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Puan 0

1 Yorum:

What you are doing there is effectively forcing the dedicated GPU to be on all the time. You could have achieved that just by using gfxCardStatus.


Yorum Ekle

My Macbook Pro 2013 had the same problem. But then I found this free python scripts with explanation:

and after some month of terrible problems and an increasing frequency of random shutdowns my mackbook runs the first time without charger and any shutdown. I almost cannot believe it...

Now since 20 days it works absolutely well. I can use it as before the problem appeared. Even the weak battery (from permanently charging for a few month) works very well again.

I can really recommend this simple solution.


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Puan 0
Yorum Ekle

Hi everyone.

Im running Mojave on my MacBook Pro 13” Mid 2014.

Im still having random shutdowns, even though that I have tried all the following solutions:

NoCrashMBP (RealMacMods) as well as another 3 level no crash python script, from a German Mac/computer specialist workshop.

Pythonscript from Anders Wigger

Moving the AppleThunderboltNHI.kext file

I have even put in a new fan with new thermal paste on.

I’m now using Macs Fan Control as I noticed that the fan ran at 1399rpm as a default, and It didn’t increase in speed when I did CPU heavy tasks.

I now simply have no clue, to what my next step should be to resolve this quite annoying issue. 

I’ve tried to get a crash report, when it shuts down, but as far as I am concerned I can’t get any or find the location of it. 

Does any of you have any experiences to share regarding my situation?

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Puan 0

3 Yorum:

Jakob, remove all applethunderbolt drivers. there must be 4 more files along with Nhi.kext. That was the case for me.


@Ahmet TOK Sure thing, i'll try that. But i need to use at least one of the ports for an external sound interface. Is that possible even though i dissable them.


@Port Gibson Thanks for the suggestion, i have already tried that and it didn't work. But thanks for sharing.


Yorum Ekle

SOLUTION FOUND! I have a MacBook pro with the same issue. I found connecting and external monitor or TV with the HDMI cable corrects the issue. I then purchased a CompuLab Display Emulator on Amazon for $8.50. It's a small dongle you connect to your HDMI port. It fools the laptop into believing it has an external monitor connected. The dongle eliminates the need for the external monitor. Better than an $1100.00 board. I put the link below.

P.S. I tried all of the solutions out there and none of them worked for me.

Best Wishes to you all,


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Puan 0
Yorum Ekle

Hi All,

I have the same problem on a MacBook Pro 15’’.

I used a thunderbold cable for patching back to back the 2 thunderbold ports on the mac .

This is working fine as well.

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Puan 0

1 Yorum:

I had the same problem. The solution is to plug the HDMI simulator into the HDMI port and it will work properly. 4K UHD Doonjiey or Furan.


Yorum Ekle

this solution is not working with Catalina 10.15.6 update, any other solution, please?

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Puan 0

1 Yorum:

You might find some help here


Yorum Ekle

Hello, for all the people who have this problem, replacing the motherboard for 600€ solved this issue

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Puan 0
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Puan 0

1 Yorum:

Hi Karthik, did you delete the .kext extensions because renaming them did not work for you? Is this somehow a more effective solution the renaming them? Just wondering why delete rather than rename.


Yorum Ekle

Hi all,

I recently started experiencing random shutdowns similar the the ones other folks have described here (opening the laptop from sleep to find it shutdown, shutting down randomly even when on wall power, etc.).

Before finding this thread, I tried a bunch of other troubleshooting steps (testing w/ different SSD, different battery, re-installing OS, etc.), and nothing seemed to work.

After following the advice here and removing the ethernet network preference thing and changing the .kext to .BAK, I was super happy to find everything working as normal.

Unfortunately, after about a week of no shutdowns, I had another random shutdown.  I check the network preferences, and somehow the thunderbolt ethernet preference had reappeared.  Does anyone know why/how this would have happened (no software updates in that period, automatic update off)?

Anyways, I was hopeful that that was the issue, but deleting it did not solve the issue.  I checked the extensions, and all the .kext were still renamed to .BAK.

I bought the NoCrashMBP app that other people have had success with, but that also did not do the trick, and my machine is shutting down very frequently.

Unfortunately seems like I’m running out of things to try - has anyone else had a similar issue with reoccurrence of this problem?  Was anyone able to solve it?


A bit of extra information that may or may not be helpful - if I check for previous shutdown cause, the code is always either -60 (bad master directory) or -74 (battery temperature exceeds limits).  This was also the case when I initially had the problem, and since changing the .kext fixed it, I don’t think these shutdown codes are accurate, since it shuts down even when things are very cold and battery temp is room temp (per temp monitor).  I suppose it’s possible I had two problems show up at once (thunderbolt bug and battery problem), although that seems unlikely since I also tested with another battery and the problem persisted.

I am running Mojave 10.14.6 on a mid-2012 rMBP.


Turns out my issue was actually the CPU overheating - after replacing the thermal paste (and heat sink since I had to cut it away because all of the screws holding it in stripped out..), I haven’t had a shutdown in 5 days!

If you’re looking at this thread and none of this is working, I’d encourage you to check your CPU temps and if they’re high think about replacing the thermal paste. I think the only difference in symptoms (and I wish I’d paid more attention to this initially and realized my problem might be different) is that the fans did not spin up after the computer died as others here are mentioning. The machine just shut off and went silent/dark instantly. Other than that very similar to what others are describing, so a bit tricky to identify the problem.

More info can be found in my comments on this post: MacBook Air shuts down suddenly

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First off, if the machine is shutting down randomly and the AppleThunderboltNHI.kext is the culprit, it has to be renamed every time the OS gets updated or when an update is installed. If this file keep reappearing, I am guessing your setting box to update your Mac automatically is checked on the setting screen. Uncheck this box to prevent your OS to get updated automatically. You can manually update the OS and rename the file then. This is for Mojave. On Big Sur you do the same and do the .kext file name change steps again every time an update occurs. The steps to rename the .kext file is different in Big Sur and Mojave. I have AppleThunderBoltNHI.kext.bak1 to .bak5 since there have been 5 updates applied. I have both OS on the same machine. Big Sur on one volume, Mojave on another and I have a third volume called My Folders where I put My Documents, My Music, Downloads, etc. So when I boot into Big Sur it can see My Folders and so does Mojave. So each time there is a new OS, I just create a new volume and install it there without overwriting the current OS, if space is not an issue.


Do not create partitions, but volumes, bcos volumes will free up the unused space where as partitions will reserve the allocated space and that space will not be available to the other partitions. In my Finder, under Locations, I have Mojave, Big Sur, Update and My Folders. After testing out the new OS and later if needed I just delete the old OS. I get a msg after login that says "Incompatible Disk" and "this disk uses features that are not supported in the current version of OS". And this is because Mojave is 32 bit and Big Sur is 64 bit OS, but only appears once at login . Not an issue to me. Hope this helps.


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I have had trouble in the past when updating the OS and the machine hanging and then shutting down. When it first happened I thought that the machine was finally done. But plugging in devices, particularly a Thunderbolt cable to an external hard drive (though I think I may have also used regular USB for other external drives on other occasions) kept the machine from going through it’s random shutdown and got me through to being able to use NoCrashMBP. As you may have read people use HDMI cables plugged in and have had good experience. Don’t know if this will help you.

I finally gave up on the renaming, just too painful now with Big Sur and just use NoCrashMBP and pay the price in shorter battery life. This has been a very painful exercise for a few years now for me. It’s hard to believe Apple has never acknowledged the problem or provided a real solution.

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Thanks for the info. I haven't tried the HDMI fix yet, but I will pick up a cable and give it a shot. NoCrashMBP does not work for me. Initially renaming the .kext did the trick, but my machine is crashing again after a week of no issues. This coupled with the fact that the crashing appeared out of nowhere (not directly after an update), makes me thing that maybe I've got a logic board issue that is progressively getting worse, and manifested as this more common issue for a while. I'll run it in safe mode this evening to test that theory.


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I think, battery too hot and unknown battery fault can be causes.

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NoCrashMBP works like a charm been using it for several years now, never needed to updated it it just carries on in the background. Legendary fix.

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Some heavy CPU usage by NoCrashMBP, up to 26%. However, I use it in combination with AppPolice, so that NoCrashMBP can be throttled to 3% of the CPU. So I can use it, while keeping my battery running with a longer autonomy. Happy about the outcome. Thanks to the realmacmods team.


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