Need help identifying a capacitor
I got my day one switch broken because of a malfunctioning charger.
when I plugged the charger I got an error similar to this one
I did not capture it, but after that the switch would not start anymore.
After plugin the original charger, the switch can still charge the battery (I saw the battery voltage increase), but swill won't power on, event after hard reset, etc..
It will not enter rcm as well so I'd say the cpu doesn't start.
I did test all visible capacitors for shorts and only found one with both side grounded.
I can try replacing this capacitor but I need help to find its value.
Any idea on what other thing I should check would be appreciated.
Update (07/03/2022)
Here is another highres image of the board
Bu iyi bir soru mu?
2 Yorum
have you checked to see if its grounded?
Logixal tarafından
It is indeed grounded (both side). Now I know it is a ferrite bead, does it matter?
Pierre Tardy tarafından