Hi @tc2319 ,
You will have to open the headset and check for any water related damage.
Treating this would be the same as for any electronic device that has come into contact with water or any liquid for that matter.
The water causes corrosion and provides circuit paths for the electricity which were not in the headset’s operating design and could damage the components. The corrosion process starts immediately and is ongoing until it is completely cleaned away
First do not try to charge or to turn on your headset and then remove or disconnect the battery as soon as possible from the device to minimize any further damage.
Then you need to dis-assemble the rest of the headset and clean all the affected parts using Isopropyl Alcohol 99%+ (available at electronics parts stores) to remove all traces of corrosion and water. If possible do not use "rubbing alcohol" as in some cases this is only 70% IPA or less, can contain additives and is not as effective. If you do have to use it, check the label to verify the amount of IPA. The higher the percentage of IPA the better.
Here is a link that describes the process. Electronics Water Damage
As always with electronics, especially surface mounted pcb be gentle when handling and especially when brushing away the corrosion. You do not want to remove any components from the board.
Hopefully after you have done all this the headset might possibly work correctly again.
Here’s the ifixit Oculus Quest 2 Disassembly guide, that may be of some help.
If this process seems too daunting, take your headset to a reputable, professional electronics repair service, experienced in liquid damage repair and ask for a quote for a repair. If you decide to do this, do it sooner than later.
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12 Yorum
Sorry I dont think it will work sorry I tried sonming similar sorry again relly am ??????????
Diamond Dilly tarafından
bro same problem but just my left controller got permenent efects
Kian Wareing tarafından
my headset got wet so i put it in rice yesterday. it still turns on and can connect to the controllers. im gonna wait a couple hours then open it up 😭😭
yo mana tarafından
This may be of interest to you.
Rice is for dinner, not repair
jayeff tarafından
so i spilled water on my oculus and i didnt know what to do so i just left it. That turned out to be a big mistake because now my oculus fans do not work at all. it has been almost a year since and now i can only play for almost an hour until it overheats. But that is if the game works when the headset is hot. most games i have stop working when the headset gets hot. so i have only 2-3 games that i can play on for more that 10 minutes. i dont know how to fix it but i really want to fix it.
Paxton tarafından
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